Monday, February 1, 2010

My Cartoon Heroes

Sadly, there is no real video for Laser Cannon Deth Sentence, but hey, it's nice that Dethklök has its own YouTube channel.

Take this, edumacated elitists!

Trapped inside a box
Four long years
Hiding from the world
Punished by your peers

Studied teachers words
Staff appointed hearts
Earned a piece of paper
Now go forth and start

Go forth Be conquered
Go Forth and die

Now you've graduated
Mind is mutilated
Thrust into the world
Feeling segregated
Move in with your parents
Back into the dark
Landed where you started
Bachelor of Arts

The learning starts now...
Open up your textbooks and turn to the
Chapter concerning your DETH

Night sky
Bleeds red
Black birds
Bring DETH

You'll be eaten by the blackness
Of your rotting mind that's dying
You're consumed with sharpened wings
That penetrate your frightened lying

Go die
Go die
Go die go!

Now you're sad and frightened
Want to go and hide
Maybe get your masters
Eight more years inside
Dream of your own murder
Strangled by the IVY
Drown in student loans
Better off just dying

Go Die
Go Die

You'll be eaten by the blackness
Of your rotting mind that's dying
You're consumed with sharpened wings
That penetrate your frightened lying

Go Forth Be conquered
Go forth and die
Go forth be conquered
Go forth and die
Go forth and die
Go forth and die
Go forth and die
Go forth and die


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...


What comes after "awesome"?

(Only a B.A. here, shirley someone of you sophisticates can help a fella out.)

Hamish Mack said...

Baloney comes after Awesome, Young Thunder-me-lad.
You're consumed with sharpened wings
That penetrate your frightened lying

I thought that we had agreed that no accounts of my job evaluation would be published.

mikey said...

Nice. Valedictory speech?

Impressive, human.

And filled with such joy and hope for the future....

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Nice home video of Skeletor's high school commencement.