One book I received recently was Burt Prelutsky’s hilarious take-no-prisoners compilation with intro by Bernard Goldberg, Liberals: America’s Termites or It’s a Shame That Liberals, Unlike Hamsters, Never Eat Their Young. The title pretty much says it all – Prelutsky isn’t afraid to say what he thinks, and his short book is chock full of hysterical one-liners and RPG attacks on the left. I don’t agree with all of it, but it sure makes for fun reading.A Bernard Goldberg foreword should be something of a score for Burt I guess. Let's look at excerpts Ben finds noteworthy:
On the education system: “How is it that Americans who lived hard scrabble lives 150 years ago could read, write, do math problems and quote at length from Shakespeare and the Bible, while today, in spite of ‘Sesame Street,’ pre-school, Operation Head Start, computers and mind-numbing hours of homework, millions of youngsters entering college can do none of those things? And four years later, may of them still can’t! Really, what is there about being a grade school teacher, a social worker or a professor of English Literature, for that matter, that requires a major expenditure of time or money?”Well, the US illiteracy rate in 1870 was 20% and now it's around 1% so fuck you bonehead. DON'T MAKE ME SIC THE CORRECTION GRANNIES ON YOU.*
On liberals: “The thing I find hard to deal with is the remarkably high opinion of themselves that all liberals seem to have. I mean, almost without exception, they regard themselves as civil, sophisticated, and open-minded; in short, all the things that right-wingers aren’t and can never hope to be … It’s the same folks who … give standing ovations to the likes of those blithering nincompoops, Barbara Boxer and Robert Byrd, people whose every utterance sounds like the incoherent ramblings of a drunken lunatic.”One thing about drunken lunatics is that their incoherent ramblings usually hit a larger target than the set of those who give standing ovations to Barbara Boxer or Robert Byrd. Let me demonstrate: ASSHOLES!
Ben sees further wisdom:
There’s another issue that gets very little press coverage but deserves scrutiny: age discrimination in Hollywood. Once you hit 50, you’re out of the business. Prelutsky sums it up: “Some people might find it ironic that Hollywood’s liberals, who are still inflamed over a blacklist that took place 60 years ago, not only condone it in their hometown, but practice it every single day of their lives.”I cannot imagine why people don't hire Burt Prelutsky. Must be his age.
*I am off by ten years here, so I imagine that Burt can blame the Civil War for killing off scads of scholar gentlemen prior to the census of 1870.
Actual unretouched screenshot below:

"Scorched Earth Press" search results at Amazon.
So, um, if he's proud not to have a job, as Scorched Earth would indicate, fuck him and his whining about an age barrier.
I feel that Burt's failure to mention the results of his watch sale operation casts doubts on his integrity, maps, and such as.
Burt pops in the comments to note that he and BH came to a "mutual realization" he wasn't right for the site anymore, since he rarely writes about film and TV, and Big Government is more on "up to date" news.
I'd like to think that John Nolte finally realized what a heartless, hateful person he had on his contributors list, and all his whining about the mean lefties that bother him don't mean shit if he can't clean up his own house.
Once you hit 50, you’re out of the business.
They tried to tell Clint Eastwood and Sean Connery, and there was violence.
Burt pops in the comments to note that he and BH came to a "mutual realization" he wasn't right for the site anymore
First Townhall now Big Hollywood!
When will Burt's column appear at Renew America?
I have actually read Conservatives Are From Mars, Liberals are From San Francisco, when it was republished by a larger publisher. It's a fairly depressing read, because Prelutsky is so bitter and hateful and sad throughout.
Interestingly, though? His come to Reagan moment wasn't anything related to Israel, racism, or taxes: no, it had to do with his fellow liberals in the WGA voting to defend Robert Mapplethorpe, who he felt was History's Greatest Monster.
Isn't that interesting?
That's just ridiculous. There can be no argument - history's greatest monster is without question Marcel Duchamp...
Fred Gwynne!
I've always thought the Kraken was pretty great.
Once you hit 50, you’re out of the business. Prelutsky sums it up: “Some people might find it ironic that Hollywood’s liberals, who are still inflamed over a blacklist that took place 60 years ago, not only condone it in their hometown, but practice it every single day of their lives.”
What the hell is he crying about, isn't this the sacred "Free Market" at work?
Sure must have been nice to have a union negotiating for residuals, huh?
History's greatest monster is the Canadian women's Olympic hockey team.
The cigar-smoking was funny to hear about.
The cigar-smoking was funny to hear about.
And see.
I take it we've not yet heard from Burt about the settlement made last month to Burt & the other parasites who sued the producers.
Under the settlement, 17 major networks and production studios, along with seven talent agencies, agreed to pay $70 million to thousands of writers to resolve 19 claims.
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