Quoth K-Lo:
This story warms my heart:Okay, what do you figger will warm her heart in the story she links to? Puppies being raised by a panda? A Ben and Jerry's ice-cream airlift to Ethiopia? A little girl who made the best pie at the State Fair? The Pope not having sex with a small boy?
Andy Williams, the veteran pop singer, has accused Barack Obama of "following Marxist theory" and "wanting the country to fail".I'll make the hot chocolate, you get the marshmallows, let's cozy up by the fire and GO FUCKING NUTS!
Don't forget the sweater.
That was grand and gracious of you.
Do we have corroboration of this from Scobby Doo? Fuck,they are on to us people!!!1one
Incidentally do not confuse obsidian with heart tissue. Just a tip for young surgeons there.
Andy Williams is still alive???
Via the Krazed-Lo article, More weirdness. Hardin Montana is apparently Red Dawn come to life. Or into the opening credits anyway.
And wouldn't you know it, the end of the first crazy conspiracy video refers to the cervical cancer death.
An autographed set of Mitt Romney's magical underwear?
Heart-warming or pants-wetting? YOU DECIDE.
Funny how "shut up and sing" never seems to apply in cases such as these.
Where does Perry Como stand on the issues of the day?
Would anyone like a bite of my rachioni?
Where does Perry Como stand on the issues of the day?
Finally Big Hollywood provides a useful link.
What? Are you trying to tell me that another old man has lost touch with reality, tied onions on his belt and shouted at kids to get off his lawn?
Nah. Hard to believe...
What? Are you trying to tell me that another old man has lost touch with reality, tied onions on his belt and shouted at kids to get off his lawn?
No man, I'm trying to tell you how to get into K-Lo's pants.
All this and still no mention of Claudine Longet?
Claudine Longet wanted Spider Sabich to FAIL.
No man, I'm trying to tell you how to get into K-Lo's pants.
C'mon, all you really need is a bag of M&M's and a copy of Mein Kampf (wedding edition of course).
Diale it down a bit.
Funny how "shut up and sing" never seems to apply in cases such as these.
Please do not apply that to Chuck Norris.
I always thought that was:
'Shut up and play your guitar'
Heart-warming or pants-wetting? YOU DECIDE.
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