On Tuesday, September 8, the first annual Ride 2 Recovery eBay Charity Auction will begin and run for 10 days. The highlight of the auction will be a dinner experience with former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.
The money raised from this effort will go to support the participation of wounded heroes in the R2R program and events, purchase bikes, helmets, and other technical equipment required for the wounded heroes.

Dessert before dessert?
A dessert in the desert with a deserter?
# Lunch at the Capitol with Frank Luntz
# Meet and Greet at the Sean Hannity Show with Sean Hannity and Frank Luntz
# Meet, Greet and Dinner with Fox Special Report with Bret Baier and Steve Hayes
Imagine having to pay money to talk with a bunch of political movers and shakers.
1freedomlvr: 35 minutes ago
Except that he is violating the oath he took as president. ".. to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." .......Czars aren't in the constitution. Having people turn in their neighbors to a White House email address because they say something " Fishy" about ObamaCare smells like a violation of the 1st amendment to me. And just wait until the Fairness Doctrine rears it's ugly head.
Czars aren't in the Constitution. If only we had Bush and Cheney back!
What would "a dinner experience" include? A laser light show? Polar bear jousting? The very thought gives Captcha a conipsot.
Czars aren't in the Constitution. If only we had Bush and Cheney back!
And it's like Operation TIPS never existed. These people wake up to a brand new world every morning. "Gasp! What is that shiny yellow ball in the sky!"
Polar bear jousting?
Lance in my pants!
There was a czar (har har)
Drove in a car (har har)
He lost his job (glob glob)
Chased out by a mob (glob glob)
He came one day to DC town
Before he could take one bribe he found
There was no time to twiddle and he landed in a muddle in a puddle in the middle of a
Loooonngg, Loud
Patriot Proud
Spittle spewing Right Wing Rant (Glub glub)
Czars aren't in the Constitution
Neither is TV!! Why does Glenn Beck hat the Constitution?
Nor are humorless dildos, for that matter. There goes the entire Republican Party.
I still can't understand the thing about the Constitution and Glenn Beck's hats.
Can I use FYWP over here?
I use FYBlogger, meself.
Y'know, I'd actually take Glenn Beck more seriously if he'd wear funny hats, particularly during his more unhinged rants.
Like one of those funny north woods hats with the ear flaps, or a fireman helmet, or a jaunty aussie hat with one side of the brim snapped up.
I had one of those hats once. It didn't end well. It's one of the entiest things that ever happened to me...
I could see Beck in a Napoleon hat made of a folded Constitution.
I still can't understand the thing about the Constitution and Glenn Beck's hats.
I am unaware of this considered judgment of constitutional law from Mr. Beck. Mayhap it is his constitutional right to wear a 'Kick Me' hat if he so desires. Because of the limited effectiveness of his 'Tell Me to Fuck Off' hat I wonder if wanting to be kicked will be any more useful
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