The most important thing about what anyone says are not the words themselves but the credibility of the person who says them.

Let me be scrupulously fair here and note that a proportion of these results represents crazy foaming-at-the-mouth Hitler invocation by commenters at Townhall and not Thomas Sowell. So about half and half.
"Anyone familiar with history"
Way to alienate your readership, Thomas.
He could have meant "Anyone who has freely had their way with history, as I have, and I think you know what I mean", Another Kiwi.
That would fit nicely.
Actually, with all the Hitler references it should be "Anyone familiar with the History Channel".
Tonight it's Hitler's Underpants at 8:00PM, followed by Hiter's Skin Rashes at 9:00 and at 10:00 exclusive historical footage of Hiter getting a haircut...
The most important thing is (not are).
Hitler's Poodle?
Ha ha, POOdle.
Also: Hiter's Skin Rashes Here my daughter complains that Hitler is spelled wrong and that you must have had too much beer.
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