Now I find myself unable to tell if this is a joke, an honest comment, or the only possible way to reduce Orly's credibility.
Another Kiwi
Dear Mr Mcsubstance, thanks to you Another Kiwi cannot see as his eyes killed themselves during the crazy lady video. His ears also shut down, though it is thought that playing baby Mozart to them may get them to open up again. Is this what you want for your legacy??!!??!!!1 Yours Cerebral Cortex of Another Kiwi
In the second video the guy names Taitz's source for the affidavit on Mombasa: Lucas Smith, who has his own YouTube video in which he shows Barack Obama's Kenyan birth certificate! He now says he's through with Taitz because she wants him to lie under oath. Weak. If you can bribe a Kenyan soldier for freedom, lying in court is nothing.
Dear Mr Mcsubstance, thanks to you Another Kiwi cannot see as his eyes killed themselves during the crazy lady video. His ears also shut down, though it is thought that playing baby Mozart to them may get them to open up again. Is this what you want for your legacy??!!??!!!1
Cerebral Cortex of Another Kiwi
I dunno. She REALLY reminds me of my ex-wife. Blonde, hot, mad as a hatter.
We really need a better dialog, of this there can be no doubt.
But can we keep Orly Taitz and Michelle Bachman? 'Cause I have grown really fond of both of them.
And gawd help me, I want to roll around naked with either or both...
The falsetto's got to be some kind of put-on.
Perhaps Orly is really General Chen?
And gawd help me, I want to roll around naked with either or both...
I really really don't wanna imagine Orly's vocalizations.
I imagine Michelle wouldn't say much but when she did it'd be something like "this is how my ex did it and now he's dead."
In the second video the guy names Taitz's source for the affidavit on Mombasa: Lucas Smith, who has his own YouTube video in which he shows Barack Obama's Kenyan birth certificate! He now says he's through with Taitz because she wants him to lie under oath. Weak. If you can bribe a Kenyan soldier for freedom, lying in court is nothing.
Lucas Smith, who has his own YouTube video
Yeesh. The Blair Witch Certificate.
So it's organ rings, now. I don't need a new one of those, it's eyes I need. I'm willing to pay in Noo Zild dollars too.
One organ'll make a lot of rings if you cut 'em up right.
Use a sharp knife though, pardner, less'n you want to rip your new arsehole.
Do organ rings also remind Ann Althouse of vaginas?
One constant in human affairs is that people love to yell "woo."
Who's the fat guy in the flag-desecrating shirt who follows her around? Bodyguard, husband, competition for mikey's unbridled lusts?
He's the puppet master. You notice his lips moving when she "talks"?
Dance marionette, dance!
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