Monday, September 7, 2009

Giant Rat in Volcano Hideout



J Neo Marvin said...

Too bad for the Firesign Theatre fans that it wasn't in Sumatra instead.

I feel all ingly all of a sudden.

Another Kiwi said...

Sounds like a job for GIJoe!!!!
Is this part of the ongoing series of "Why do thing grow bigger on Islands"?

Substance McGravitas said...

Is this part of the ongoing series of "Why do thing grow bigger on Islands"?

Also "knowing people" and "trusting people" are two different things.

mikey said...

"Neo, sooner or later you're going to realize just as I did that there's a difference between KNOWING the rat and WALKING the rat."

herr doktor bimler said...

The fools! It's a Sumatran Monkey-Rat! Flee!

Substance McGravitas said...

Dude, TELL somebody your mom's a zombie. Really, it could get worse you know.

ckc (not kc) said...

I must say I'm a tad curious about the fanged frog.

ckc (not kc) said...

...part of the ongoing series of "Why do thing grow bigger..?"

Substance McGravitas said...

Me too. I'll watch the show if I spot it.

M. Bouffant said...

an extremely hairy caterpillar that Dr McGavin hopes to name after Dennis Healey's eyebrows

The Limey Mark Noonan?

"I can't begin to describe how it feels to have an animal in my hands that in all probability has never before been seen by science," he said.

I wouldn't touch a line like that w/ a stick insect the length of a man's forearm w/ an apple in it.