Benedict XVI used the first papal state visit to Britain today to launch a blistering attack on "atheist extremism" and "aggressive secularism", and to rue the damage that "the exclusion of God, religion and virtue from public life" had done in the last century.Why without atheist extremism the bums of countless little boys would have remained uninvaded.
The leader of the Roman Catholic church concluded a speech, made before the Queen and assembled dignitaries at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh, with the argument that the Nazi desire to eradicate God had led to the Holocaust and a plea for 21st century Britain to respect its Christian foundations.And of course the first foreign treaty the Nazis signed was with the Vatican. The Vatican's negotiator later became Pius XII.

What's that mikey?
Perhaps he was so enamored of his pretty hat and beautiful shoes that he failed to notice the irony dripping off his words like rain on your wedding day.BURN:
A speech in which the Pope appeared to associate atheism with the Nazis has prompted criticism from humanist organisations.
However, the Catholic Church has moved to play down the controversy, saying the Pope knew "rather well what the Nazi ideology is about".
The real question is, did he nail the queen?
Sadly, the queen refused to nail him.
Heh. Hitler-Youth veteran lectures the poms about the evils of Nazism and warns against disrespect for religious authority. That's going to go down well.
I heard some of his "mass" on NPR coming back from San Mateo. I couldn't help but notice that he was railing against the evils of "aggressive secularism" by invoking the need for more aggressive christianism. Perhaps he was so enamored of his pretty hat and beautiful shoes that he failed to notice the irony dripping off his words like rain on your wedding day.
Mildly updated.
British newspapers not so impressed with Cardinal Fang either. Or some other henchman. The one who compared the prospect of arrival at Heathrow Airport to entering the Third World.
According to slightly less frothing-at-the-mouth Vatican mouthpieces, the Cardinal really intended that as a compliment. He was referring to the admirable ethnic diversity of the modern UK. No, really.
the Pope knew "rather well what the Nazi ideology is about".
Queen Betty might have some memories on the subject herself.
What's that, Wikipedia?
In February 1945, she joined the Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service, as an honorary Second Subaltern with the service number of 230873.[26] She trained as a driver and mechanic, drove a military truck,[25] and was promoted to honorary Junior Commander five months later.[27] She is the last surviving head of state who served in uniform during the Second World War.[28]
Sounds like Benedikt never got to wear a uniform in his Hitlerjugend days.
the Pope knew "rather well what the Nazi ideology is about".
...and he's working hard to further its aims.
Oop, did I just spill the subtext?
Ohh, Mikey, you're in the BA? Whereat? I'm in Berkelerks,
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