AWR Hawkins has found
another human of the female persuasion that he does not like:When I read that 72-year old Jane Fonda was about to release two new workout DVDs “geared to the 100 million Baby Boomers and older adults,” two words kept popping into my head: “Hanoi Jane.”
What the fuck? Is it last-century o'clock? Wait, let me
check the list - Oh. Jane Fonda at 13. My bad.
What is Fonda’s deal? Doesn’t she know that real Americans have been sick of her since she took North Vietnam’s side during the Vietnam War? Does she really think she can pose for pictures in her workout clothes in 2010 and we’ll somehow forget about her posing for pictures with a North Vietnamese Anti-Aircraft gun in 1972?
Um, yeah.For the record, we did learn some lessons from the Vietnam War, and one of those lessons was that Fonda is a traitor.
That's a valuable takeaway from, you know, a war in which
millions of people died. Mind you, following this set of priorities we learn the lesson from this article that AWR Hawkins has a doughy ovoid face.

Damn, Mister McG.
Do you actually read those BigLiar sites everyday? I know it's a great source of hilarity (and blog posts), but that seems like a lot of sacrifice for your bloggy friends (and I am grateful, of course).
Oh for fucks sake.
Listen. Very. Carefully.
Jane Fonda did not lose the Vietnam war.
The New York Times did not invade Iraq.
Barack Obama did not create the Troubled Asset Relief Program.
I'm sure there's about a million more, but if we could just agree on these three it would be a nice start...
Still weeing ones trousers about Fonda, J. at this persons age is embarrassing. Will he ever catch up with Ollie North's youthful indiscretions and start gumming about treason charges for him?
I realise that this may involve reading and that so am not holding my breath
Also Mr. Ph.D. in Military History doing so. A well-earned degree I'll bet.
Few universities will award a Ph.D in Military History in recognition of one's collection of SS badges arranged to show the stylistic evolution. Dr Hawkins had to hunt around.
Is it last-century o'clock?
His watch is a little slow.
Smut: the term "evolution" would be verboten, I imagine.
They just can't let go.
Funny, the reason I supported BHO is that he was the first "Post 60s" presidential candidate. I saw his candidacy as putting a stake in the heart of the lingering culture wars.
Boy, was I naive.
Dr. Hawkins will protest this travesty by not exercising.
Jane Fonda is 72?
Holy shit, she's got good genes.
SO long as the Barbarella re-make sticks to zero-gravity conditions throughout, she'll be fine.
I make no apologies for my predilections.
Despite your predilections, my undead friend, she is at this point postdelicious....
W/V is ambiguous. singus. Is it about breaking gods law, or breaking out in song? Could it even be about getting (slightly) burned. If we know nothing else, we know it's about a bicycle....
she is at this point postdelicious..
look, let me have my memories of Jane Fonda, and we will let you have your thing for Orly....
We can meet on common ground regarding Tanya Donnelly.
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