Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Dennis Prager thinks the Left should answer a bunch of questions about torture.

I think Dennis Prager should let me know why I shouldn't steal his stuff to pay my bills.


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Dennis can tonguejack my shitbox.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Well, I think the Right should come wax my car. Until they do that they're nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.

Jennifer said...

You know... some things in life should remain mysterious...

Another Kiwi said...

More questions:
1) Does Prager get paid for this?
2) In real money?
3) Does Prager realise that the TV show "24" is not a reality TV show?
4) Are The Left going to get the questions sent out on flyers so that we get one set each or will it be a sort of referendum thing or do we pick someone, Glenzilla perhaps, to tell the answers to Prager
5)Does reading a Prager column help in showing that torture doesn't work?
6)Before he washes cars I got lawns that need mowing?
7) What does capcha mean by noutcho? Another pizza topping that I don't want to know about?

Righteous Bubba said...

That's only seven questions. In the war of the questions we are two short.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

8) Will Dennis Prager tonguejack my shitbox?

9) Does Dennis have enough stuff to pay my bills too?

Righteous Bubba said...

Well zombie, if you need a couple of wetsuits and a - oh my God.

Righteous Bubba said...

Recall that if he tonguejacks zombie ass the cleanliness comparison is pretty much a wash.

herr doktor bimler said...

How manyof your bills would Prager's accordion actually pay for?
Apparently the accordion was the stormtrooper of Western equal-temperament musical imperialism. I just found out about this through Howard Bloom's "Big Bang" series so it must be true.

Righteous Bubba said...

How many of your bills would Prager's accordion actually pay for?

I think this depends on how many blows to the head Prager receives with it.

Another Kiwi said...

So, ah. More blows to the head means less money due to accordion damage? Or more, due to the public service nature of hitting Prager.