“Soul Surfer,” which is based on the true story of Bethany Hamilton, a young tournament surfer whose Christian faith and family help her to overcome a shark attack that cost her an arm, stars Dennis Quaid and Helen Hunt. Thanks to some very good marketing to the teenage crowd in general and to the Christian market specifically, what Hollywood has here is one less excuse to keep ‘em coming.Bring on the Christians:

Chanced upon the actual shark victim being interviewed in the pimping of the movie.
Surprise: She is an air-headed Valley/surfer girl, & in the few seconds I observed she didn't bring her BFF Jesus into it. (Perhaps she was advised not to on whichever oozing entertainment pustule I was cruising past.)
Worst. Marvel. Comic. Character. Evar.
Super power: Credulousness
"Christians." Is that what we're calling them these days?
Just what I needed: another reason to hate my name.
Sharks are Angels?
Sounds like a knock off of West Side Story.
So if I become a Christian a shark will bite my arm off? Thanks, but I'll pass.
So if I become a Christian a shark will bite my arm off? Thanks, but I'll pass.
tigris, you don't get it: Being a Christian makes it totally worth it!
Does not interfere with bikini-wearing.
Oh yeah? YOU try tying the back and neck strings with a nub.
If that is the person I get to tie it on, I'm in.
If she's got to wait for you to fly down from Canadia every time she wants to tie one on, it will interfere with her bikini-wearing.
If she's got to wait for you to fly down from Canadia every time she wants to tie one on, it will interfere with her bikini-wearing.
if the movie had Jack Nicholson and Randy Quaid, they wouldn't need a shark to chew off her arm, just have her hold on to some of the scenery.
if the movie had Jack Nicholson and Randy Quaid, they wouldn't need a shark to chew off her arm, just have her hold on to some of the scenery.
I know. He's a terrifically witty zombie, ain't he?
So if I become a Christian a shark will bite my arm off? Thanks, but I'll pass.
Just don't join one of those shark-handling churches.
Something tells me the young lady is less "Jesusy" than Mr Nolte says she is.
"Just don't join one of those shark-handling churches."
If that is the person I get to tie it on, I'm in.
Note to Substantial: Actual amputee not as physically attractive as the poster child.
But actual movie MORE Christian apparently...
Note to Substantial: Actual amputee not as physically attractive as the poster child.
That's why the shark only ate her arm.
Actual amputee not as physically attractive as the poster child.
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