Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Load Up [Jonah Goldberg]
The Superhero Supply store is up and running.
10/14 03:00 PMShare

Image hiked from this impassioned defence of Matter Eater Lad. Oh, and some embarrassing screencap of Jonah.
Forgive the rushed Photoshopping, I'm still blaming the graphics card for everything.
It's OK, I just spent 3 days trying to figure out which pictures to post from Sunday.
Luckily, I wasn't under a dead line.
I'm still blaming the graphics card for everything.
Works for me too. The graphics card got completely rat-arsed at the pub, came home late, and fell in the dishwasher.
Is it my imagination, but haven't you referenced "Matter-Eater Boy" in the past?
Given my dubious diet, I'm automatically on his side.
Very off topic, but I saw your comments in the whiskeyfire thread about the recent blog-slapfight about "liberal circular firing squads", and while the concept itself is worthy of discussion, I gotta ask, man: Do you seriously consider either Althouse or Sullivan liberals? I guess they are, at times, according to how the polls go or how much it pays. But in the end they're worthless shits.
I dunno if you'll accuse me of engaging in the same circular shooting, but in my opinion some people really do deserve to be metaphoricaly "shot".
Ann Althouse is perfectly bi-partisan, as has been documented at 3Bulls.
Do you seriously consider either Althouse or Sullivan liberals?
Not at all. Just makin' a joke.
Adding that I dunno what a "liberal" is the first place, but Matter Eater Lad could eat 'em fer sure.
Is it my imagination, but haven't you referenced "Matter-Eater Boy" in the past?
I think so, maybe elsewhere. A list of lamest super-heroes figures in my memory, no doubt an important thing to keep in there.
I am so going to buy the glitter cape.
Capcha thinks I'm a trantie.
I'm just wondering if the galaxy would implode into a singularity if Matter Eater ate his Odor Eaters, which of course are comprised of Matter, complete with Higgs field and everything. And if he did, and it didn't, where would the odor go?
Capcha has a magic necklace to help him with sexual satisfaction - he calls it his amulo
Also. For those North Americans who might be watching the baseball playoffs on TBS, have you seen the commercial with the talking pothole that gave the porsche a flat tire?
'Cause the way that pothole talks is identical to every woman I've ever fallen passionately in love with, including the one I accidentally married that time in tahoe...
I've just finished reading "Mates and Lovers: a Gay history of NZ" so I'm noticing 'stuff'. Matter Eater lad has a big package. Is this connected with eating ray guns and such? And why, in his little introduction to the JLA, does he say that microbes poisoned our food? What a fabricated smear! Microbes are our friends, except when they kill us and even then there is no malice intended.
Captain Marvel has the original superhero package.
No way would Jonah eat a hat with that many vegetables!
Is Bouncing Boy obviouser???
What's the matter eater lad?
I'm just not hungry today.
Bouncing Boy needs the face mullet.
Damn B^4 for thinking of what I wanted to think of before I did, and then posting it before I could.
I need new glasess
Ahhh... cool.
I was taken in by meta-concerntrollin'-fakeposting, then. Which is nice. If you love things like 4chan and other juvenile shit, I guess.
Jokes you don't get = juvenilia. An easy formula.
yeah, yeah, I know.
I should spend my time getting to know all the in-jokes and idiosyncracies of the personal blogs of all commenters on leftist american political blogs before I dare ask a question about a fakepost.
Hmmm... Indeed.
Or maybe, as an outsider/non-american with an, admittedly, strange obsession with american politics, I just asked, you know, a fucking question. Chill, man. I like you. But if people have to get some kind of convoluted joke by following three links and gargling ballsweat, it isn't so much a joke, but an obstacle course.
Please do not eat Irish children.
Unless they're all out of the darker, richer Indonesian children at Raleys...
In-jokes? Here? Why was I not apprised of this?
You mean he wasn't serious? There goes half my cookbook.
Always with the cooking of the Irish children. Frankly, I think it is an unhealthy fixation.
Raw foodies walk a dangerous path.
What happens when Matter-Eater Lad has to take a dump? What does he excrete? Concrete? Lava? Ice cream?
Superheroes just don't do that. It's in the rule book.
What happens when Matter-Eater Lad has to take a dump? What does he excrete? Concrete? Lava? Ice cream?
It's a POOP Ouroboros.
POOP Ouroboros
When I do my 40-minute one-song instrumental prog-rock instrumental album in the style of Tubular Bells,, that will be the title, I promise.
That last comment will be referred to the Department Of Redundancy Department. Meanwhile, I shall have another glass of cabernet.
mikey, I do believe the hawt-sounding pot-hole is one Amy Sedaris. You could look her up, & decide if she's wacky enough for you. I think she's at least a little odd.
This is a pretty funny book.
Depending on your fabilities.
What's all this about gargling ballsweat?
Garglin Ballsweat: A Norwegian Black Metal musician whose on stage persona conflicted with his Mormon beliefs culminating in a devastating appearance at the Flea Vomit Club in Oslo when he wore a Polo neck sweater and encouraged the audience to "Clap your hands for Jesus".
Damn, Bouffant, that's simply amazing.
I NEVER woulda thought that the pothole was, like, SOMEBODY.
Now, if you can hook me up with the blonde bartender from the Budweiser commercials I'll be outta your hair in no time.
And there'll be a nice li'l sumpin on the drivers-side front tire of your car...
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