Vancouver punk band Living with Lions has come under fire from U.S. media following the release of its new album Holy S--- and has drawn the ire of Canadian Heritage Minister James Moore.Then the tubby oafish and evil minister was drowned in a stream of santorum and crucifixes.
The album's packaging, designed to look like a Bible with faded pages, lyrics written like Bible verses and subtitled The Poo Testament, features a play on the ascension of Christ, with Jesus portrayed as a piece of excrement.
Holy S--- first drew the attention of entertainment magazine L.A. Weekly on Tuesday. The publication pointedly referred to the Canadian government's role in providing funding support for the album through FACTOR (the Foundation Assisting Canadian Talent on Recordings), the logo of which is prominently displayed on the back of the album.
The album's liner notes also acknowledge the support of the government of Canada.
"The content of this CD is offensive and the fact that it is clearly designed to offend a group of Canadians based on their faith is simply wrong," James Maunder, Moore's spokesman, said in a statement sent to the Vancouver Sun.
Dragging the following poop stream onto one of Smut Clyde's comments would be hostile.

"Maunder" is a perfect name for a politician's spokesman
For people who are so sure that their belief system is NUMBA WUN, they sure are sensitive.
Yeah, these guys had to know this was coming. It doesn't matter how miniscule the amount of funding, if it goes in any way to support Christian-teasing, the fundies will use it as an opening to have a shitfit.
I'm sure you know artists here go through the same stuff re: the NEA.
Dear God.
Hey, I gotta take the position that christianists are WAY more fun to tease than blondes.
And WAY less likely to actually, you know, wanna fight about it...
Government grants exist solely to remake Little House on the Prairie (MEANING ALBERTA).
Once again, the Christian Right makes an obscure, destined-to-be-forgotten bit of emphemera internationally known. Well played, fundies, well played!
Don't worry, people.
Republican Jesus is taking them all back home tomorrow.
Hey, I gotta take the position that christianists are WAY more fun to tease than blondes.
This makes me SO ANGRY. mikey is BLOND! I mean BANNED!
I can't wait to find out what that guy is selling. greatest ad campaign ever?
I am currently wrapping up a project NW of Milwaukee, and on the way is one of this dipstick's billboards. I am going up for a punchlist on Monday, and look forward to snapping a time-stamped photo of it on the way back.
STILL WAITING for the drag-&-droppable santorum gif.
Oh Jeezis here I was thinking you'd just steal it.
It may also be worth noting that the Streamtorum is made up of orbs tinted brown. Those things are handy...and SCARY!
The Callista-dog is LAPPING IT UP.
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