‘American Exposure’: Preserving Liberty On the AirwavesBlah blah blah blah blah blah — wait, what's that author pic all about?
by Janine Turner
If you build it, they will come.
I have been concerned about our Republic for years now. I have been bothered by the lack of true understanding about our Republic, and that included me! I read the Constitution again with my daughter during spring break a couple of years ago

I am somehow compelled to investigate further...

Now obviously there's a fair bit of work going on there - I must admit to not looking the greatest before I make myself up in the morning -
Would you believe that Maggie is actually older than Callista?
I saw a Star Trek episode about this once. Some guy was selling wives to miners, or some such.
Now she looks kinda hot.
Ask her if she'd like to go on a picnic...
yeah, I'm with mikey.
her politics are awful though.
Sure her politics are horrible. But...
Take this, Bachmann Palin overdrivers!
I read the Constitution
There we go: a qualified Republican.
I wish my hair were that colour.
Wow. Where did her actual face go?
She's a couple of good Photoshop jobs away from looking like Michael Jackson. Damn, girl. All you needed was a better haircut.
In the Northern Exposure days she was also looking pretty unnatural. The article at the link has another photo that makes the bio photo seem somewhat ridiculous. Check out the bio though: it's ENORMOUS.
What strange sentences I am writing lately.
I can't believe I'm typing this from a hospital room. I needed a laugh like you would not believe...and KISS vid and comments are fucking comedy gold.
And also now you can quit pretending why you don't know why those Nelson Muntz birds laugh at you.
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