Dos Passos was one of the best-known novelists of his day, though he is almost forgotten now. I have a theory about him, based on little more than intuition: His political turn from Left to Right, which began in the 1940s and perhaps culminated in his support for Barry Goldwater in 1964, resulted in his failure to win a Nobel Prize in Literature and, perhaps more importantly, compelled liberal professors to remove him from reading lists and course syllabi. Carr’s biography does not address this subject–in fact, it seems unaware of the possibility–but I’m halfway convinced. A couple of years ago, we put his book Midcentury on our list of ten great conservative novels.

God damn those liberal elitist censors.
Just because they're too busy smoking their bongs and listening to their Bob Marley albums to do a good job of it is NO EXCUSE for intent, Mr. McGravitas.
The obvious conspiracy by REALITY to cover up this anti-conservative injustice will only convince Miller the rest of the way.
I imagine Miller seeing Boston College and Harvard on there and saying Boston's not a big college town.
Hey it's based on intuition! That means that it's allowed to be non factual. Jeepers you people with your liberal bias.
Who wants to explain to Miller that the Nobel prizes are handed out by a jury of *Swedish* academians, to whom the subtleties of US domestic politics in the 50s and 1960s might not have been as blindingly important as they evidently are to Miller?
However, his theory does explain why a raving left-wing moonbat like T. S. Eliot rates so highly in the canon.
Ezra Pound doesn't count because he's one of those fascist leftists.
It is not a pretty sight, the lengths a resentment junkie will go to in search of a fix.
Yeah, sure they have their students read it, BUT THEY DON'T SAY NICE THINGS ABOUT HIM!!!
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