Jonah being Jonah, the writer linked to is Brian Resnick, not from 1932, who points to the writing of Nicolas Fairweather on Hitler. You should visit the Fairweather link: the 10 points Fairweather lists in his summary of Hitler represent TEN GOALS THE SOCIALIST OBAMA IS PURSUING RIGHT NOW! Or something. Jonah's link is a preaching-to-the-brainwashed kind of proof: unless you're out of your fucking mind you may see some of the ten things contradicting Jonah's vision of whatever it is his readers are helping him envision when he gets back from walking the dog.
I am, compared to young Jonah the hip South Park conservative, sort of a fuddy duddy, but should it be telling that Jonah's link in his original post ends with "#.T5J_eXhOKw0.twitter"? I mean, has he read the story? Or maybe someone tweeted it to him with a hearty "OMG UR RIGHT!" and he passed it on. Possibly, he saw point 4 listed in the Resnick post - His concern for social betterment ('true Socialism') as a necessary prerequisite to the acceptance of his ideals by the masses. - and thought "AHA! TRUE SOCIALISM! THIS GUY KNOWS WHAT'S WHAT!" and read no further. Perhaps I am just unkind and unhip and everybody gets their news from Twitter, and then does their damndest to read it with the kind of care and attention to detail I could never muster in the service of assembling vast amounts of noble and important scholarship.
The end of Fairweather's essay:
This new party Nazi, or Fascist, it is commonly called is 'National' because Hitler's fundamental ideal is nationalism. It is 'Socialist' (in Hitler's own meaning of the word) because he saw that the people would have to be made comfortable before they would listen to his gospel. It is 'German' because his national aspirations are for Germans only. It is a 'Laborers' party because Hitler intended to appeal particularly to the laboring masses.Know WHO ELSE has his own meaning for words?
2. His violent animosity to Marxian Socialism as in essence opposed to his ideal of a nationally minded people and a racial state. ...
Fucking hell. I mean Joberg pooped the trou comprehensively. What will his new book be about?? OMG I can hardly wait!!!
Comments to Jonah's post are entertaining.
I particularly like In my simple country church just today, I heard again that Christians are the new chosen people of god. From my provincial perspective, it feels like rooting for the home team, not genocide.
Also, my comment is awaiting moderation. I'm on the edge of my seat!
"Well, "Nazi" does translate to "national socialism." The Left hates it when that's pointed out."
Or maybe someone tweeted it to him with a hearty "OMG UR RIGHT!" and he passed it on.
I would ask whether Jonah has read the original Fairweather essay to which he is referring his audience, but that would only invite the proverbial stupid answer.
Ok, so as I've mentioned, I've only cared about politics at ALL since late 2000 (The Florida Coup) and only on the intert00bz since aught five, but it truly seems to me that now, more than ever, just WHO the fuck is "The Left"?
Not to mention why would anyone be in any way concerned about such a pathetic, disorganized and ineffective rabble?
The American political Left, as a movement, a statement of ideology or a political organization, is, to put it most kindly, non-existent...
First they came for the doughy pantloads, and I did not speak out - Because my shorts were clean.
P.S. Does The Left hate it when Martin Niemöller is quoted?
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.
P.P.S. mikey, those are cruel words for Norbizness (AKA, The Left).
Come on, mikey, The Left is the Democratic party!
I miss Norbizness.
Mikey may not realize that Norbizness is the left and 3bulls is the new left.
His concern for social betterment ('true Socialism') as a necessary prerequisite to the acceptance of his ideals by the masses.
I.e. giving the people something good that they want (socialism), so he can sucker them into lots of bad things later (fascism). Not sure this is the point he really wants to make though...
Or NOT giving them that but saying you did. Much is made of Hitler's understanding of propaganda in the Fairweather essay.
Woo-hoo my comment is published. I expect that NRO will fold any day now as they struggle with MY REALITY!!
I'm sorry that Joberg got fired, But there's a job going at the local recycling place in the "Dirty Plastic" section and I can put in a good word for him.
Hmm comment link not work.
http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/296679/hitler-socialist-jonah-goldberg#comment-552306 maybe try that
ooh not work also and too. Was Jonah their IT man?
You want this one.
I still couldn't get directly to A.K.'s comment, so here's the screen grab.
Love to see you go back there and quote Pastor Niemöller's line above, A.K.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.
Leaves them with nothing but the usual hot air.
I'll be damned. It worked once for me and now does not.
I found it.
But thanks for everyone trying!
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