In completely unrelated blog filler, if you think you might enjoy being me for a while remember that your child may start loudly chanting "Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing - MODOK!" at the restaurant.
Bonus dialogue:
Q. Why did MODOK want to kill people?
A. Because he was a BAD Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing.

In that scenario, I'd probably be the one chanting.
Me too.
But until she starts devising tactical doctrine I'm pretty sure you're gonna be ok..
Hey subs, if you could take modoc and do the whole piplup takin a shit thang you'd be a hero.
To somebody.
Gnome Sane?
If you're going to indoctrinate your kids it might as well be with esoteric stuff that will confuse the hell out of people like me.
I was wondering what the +1 stuff was. I've been plus 1ing myself because I am a huge dork.
On the contrary -- it's a feature, not a bug.
I got it from Apache Forums.
WackyWiki says it comes from RPGs.
Either way, it's handy...
MODOK and angry grannie are probably related.
I think MODOK is Chris Christie... both have an aversion to walking.
They're all gone!
Is this his pantry?
Did anyone go over to that tbray post and hover above the +1 button at the bottom? While logged in to your Gmail/Blogger/Google account?
Somewhat creepy.
Or maybe I was still shaking off the effects of this NYT article: "Projects Use Phone Data to Track Public Services."
I gather they will establish a reputation for you.
That isn't the part that creeped me out. It was hovering above the button and seeing "Click here to publicly +1 this as" and then my name and email address.
After a moment's thought, I realized that it's not really any different from, say, going to a news sits and seeing which articles have been recommended by people with whom I'm friends with on Facebook. Or getting to the bottom of a blog post and seeing a blank comment form ready for me to write on, with my Disqus avatar and username already there.
It was just the first reaction to the idea of some button that could be placed on any blog that showed my email address if I merely hovered over the button. Not even clicking. Just hovering. I guess I had some vague notion that my email address was going to be harvestable by anyone who put one of those +1 buttons on a site I happened to visit.
As to your opening question, I'm afraid it will in some ways make searching worse. Are you familiar with Eli Pariser's "filter bubble" idea? (On The Media | NY Times | TED Talk.)
Personalized search results have their pluses, as it were, but there are also plenty of times when I want to know what "everybody" thinks, and not just people in my social circle. Google at one time was the great democratizer in that sense.
Pardon my after-the-fact proofreading: news sits → news site.
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