The first link, though, starts at the start and follows his artistic life, from painting and acting to finding out nifty ways of mixing the two with the springboard of work with Robert Wilson. I have had nearly no acquaintance with his other performed paintings - The Fall of Babylon was essentially a series of stage-sized images composed over time via performance and staging plus entertaining moaning about the agonies of creation - but the writing at the blog is somehow naïve and knowing and it's interesting to me to watch him move through visual styles and on through performance styles. (You gotta click "NEXT" at the bottom of the page as the site's archiving mechanism is not the greatest.)
He gets points for figuring out the neat trick of buying different puzzles from the same manufacturer and mixing them.
Clicking the pic gets you Flickr sets.

I used to live right next to Iowa.
I want to look at those puzzle pieces on a bigger screen. Just the idea oF them seems so joyful and whimsical to me, though. That raccoon burger one is just incredibly clever. I bet this guy could inspire many "dumb cunt" moments.
All. One. Jigsaw. Whadaya know.
Raccoon burgers are not FDA approved.
If you really believed in USAfreedom, you'd let us eat raccoon burgers, thunder.
The raccoons look great up close. Puzzle pieces are nice and shiny!
They're not going to muck around with the die stamp after setting up all those little wibbly-wobbly blades.
I had noticed that each manufacturer sticks to a single template, but it NEVER OCCURRED TO ME to mix-&-match like that...
Racoons and rabies are too good friends for my liking them inna a bun.
But it's a very clever and funny idea
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