Sunday, March 20, 2011

White Powers

This guy is entertaining. What the hell makes him interested in stupid comic books?


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

It makes the readership uncomfortable because they're not used to seeing it.

Also, because they hate black people.

P.S. WV: wheaties! Don't forget to your...

Substance McGravitas said...

I like the quota bit. OMG AQUAMAN HAS TO EAT CAT FOOD! Or wait, he's got fresh tuna right there...

Hamish Mack said...

Jeepers, now he is dead. That'll teach him to upset fanboys

Substance McGravitas said...

Oh gee whiz, just watched the video and didn't investigate. Thanks for the entertainment.

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

I went to Boing Boing first, read that he'd passed away, then watched part of the vid. Wow. That's a damn shame. He seems like such a bright, interesting guy.

And worrying about statistical probabilities in regards to made-up characters? That is...not pathetic at all. (Or racist!)

So are a lot of comic book fanboys huge douches or what? I'm not familiar with that world AT ALL.

TruculentandUnreliable said...

Oh, shit, I didn't realize he was dead! :(

VS--I'm not that plugged into the comics community (godDAMN too much work to keep track of that shit, and I'd rather spend my money on nail polish), but from what I've read/seen, superhero comics fans tend to be HUUUUUUUUUUGE douches. Most of them are white, straight dudes and on top of that, a lot of them have the nerd rage and/or Nice Guy thing, and on top of THAT, they are fanboys, who tend to be annoying and get their fee fees hurt when things don't go the way they think they should

Add in the fact that comics have been traditionally written by straight, white males FOR straight, white males and it's a toxic mix of cluelessness and entitlement.

Not that there aren't cool guys who read superhero comics and aren't douches. But yeah. It's a thing.

Related: I am sad that Girls Read Comics (And They're Pissed) is no longer being updated.

M. Bouffant said...

Isn't it mostly that fannish people of all genres & genders have, for lack of a better term, issues? W/ others? And reality?

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

Wow. Thanks, T&U. I guess I'd always thought of comic book guys as being endearingly geeky. Didn't know so much douche was mixed in with the geek.

mikey said...

I always hated superheroes. At some point I had a Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos comic book. I couldn't figure out why they were howling. Howling seemed an odd response to the challenges they faced, which mostly consisted of keeping their tattered uniforms from completely unraveling, leaving them to fight the nazis completely nude (honestly, were American Logistics in wartime Europe so bad the poor bastards couldn't get a new fatigue shirt) and coming up with clever quips while engaged in Close Quarters Battle with automatic weapons.

It must have just been easier to howl...

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

So, I finally hear about this guy after his death... grrrr...

I'm also not a fan of superhero comics, I just don't find them interesting. Hell, I'm not much of a comics fan, but I'm impossible to be around if I don't get to read Prince Valiant on Sunday.

Substance McGravitas said...

from what I've read/seen, superhero comics fans tend to be HUUUUUUUUUUGE douches.

Like this?

I think Bouffant has a point: anything fannish develops orthodoxies, and people of all categories get to play the douche. However, in the case of superhero comics you're starting off from a foundation of young white boys, which can be trouble.

Also comics are expensive these days relative to when I was a young'un; the aficionados, if they're not downloading, have access to a lotta mom and dad's cash.

TruculentandUnreliable said...

Yeah, Substance, that was what I was trying to say. With many, many more words.

Substance McGravitas said...

Speaking from the geeky side, Marvel had a history of being really good at obvious metaphors, a relevant one here being the cash-generating "mutant" one. You'd think beating people over the head with "be nice to the people who are different" would have salutary results. Maybe it does and we just hear the douchebags because they're louder. I mean, who would have heard of libertarians but for the internet and their tireless willingness to cover all corners of it?

Substance McGravitas said...

And hey, that in itself would be less douchey if it read "be nice to people who are not exactly like you" instead.