Among the many lessons animators must learn is how best to harmonize the elements of the human form to convey their message. A face, for instance, can, with a few subtle strokes of a brush, change from sinister to innocent, inveigling to ignorant. Once these elements have been worked out to one's satisfaction, how is one to then unite that carefully-worked-out and perfect-in-itself encapsulation of human experience with the rest of a human frame that is both well-proportioned and believable and still continues to carry the grace of the composition forward?

Yes, friends, SUCCESS.
Well anyway I guess I can add some demons.

Also jetpack grannies.

Oh, hey, isn't this the ideal use of the insanely annoying marquee tag?
Once more with demon:
Sowellgrannies are just a menace:
Awl's well that ends well.
Dude, your masterpiece!
Fixing the soundtrack.
You sir have outdone yourself. It is especially awesome when you have 3 little demons chasing her.
No, it has to be "Yakety Sax" and there has to be a box of wine dangling in front of her!
ITTDGY, I have no idea why, but "Blaize" tickled my funny bone* hardcore.
*Yeah, yeah.
It's the only classy choice.
Still can't get Meade to show, huh?
I guess he just has a thing for Lemieux.
Well, the only place I linked that'd draw Meade is LGM. But Ann Flintstone made me giggle so I'll throw it around more.
Um, cheapest possible update.
Oh, hey, isn't this the ideal use of the insanely annoying marquee tag?
This is my favorite style of post.
Just glue more and more stuff onto it, and eventually: Perfection!
"No, it has to be "Yakety Sax" and there has to be a box of wine dangling in front of her!"
vacuumslayer Johnson is right!
I would like to commend you on your decision to use your free time for the betterment of all mankind.
Eh, I think white zinfandel is more her style.
Are those little "o"s supposed to be farts, or what?
Because I thought they were and it made me giggle.
Well they can be. They're actually a cheap gimmick to separate Altstone and her pursuers because just spacing them out - even with Unicode characters - wasn't working. Coulda used a transparent GIF but I thought a Pigpen-type cloud might do it.
Sowellgrannies are uncivil.
Meet Ann Althouse.
She's the modern drunken family.
From the
Place of Half Cocked
She's a page
Right out of Tragedy
{you gotta imagine her trying to put Dino out for the night without spilling her wine here}
Where's the kitchen sink?
From Bowie's "Soul Love" to Sowellgrannies in one lifetime. And they say there's no such thing as progress.
You should probably do one where she's getting chased by an Awl...
That one's easy. Now with transparent GIF spacing!
Now featuring at LG&M!
Blogwhoring pays off.
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