Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What Could Have Been

Kevin D. Williamson:
Hourly cost of whatever it is we’re doing in Libya: about $4 million. Total cost of building one mile of border fence, as undertaken by our horribly inefficient, bloated, largely incompetent federal government: about $2 million. So, every 30 minutes we’re in Libya is one mile of border fence we could have built: Assuming the mission is accomplished in each case, which investment would make us safer?
Credit is due, I guess, to Williamson for preferring domestic destruction to foreign.


mikey said...

I believe he may have found this theory originally in "The Practical Guide to Hatred and Intolerance", which sagely advised against "Commuting halfway around the globe to kill and oppress dusky-hued foreigners" when we have an ample supply of them on our Southwestern border...

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Alaska has lots of oil, and it's not in the Constitution.

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

If the government's that's incompetent I doubt it should be building walls, even.

fish said...

one mile of border fence, as undertaken by our horribly inefficient, bloated, largely incompetent federal government: about $2 million

I will build it for half that.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

fish's methods are unsound.

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

When you only have fins, it's hard to hold a hammer.

Substance McGravitas said...

When all you have is a fin everything looks like a fins.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

fish's methods are unsound.

He knows an affordable design architect.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

When all you have is a fin

..you wish you had a twenty.

TruculentandUnreliable said...

Or, you know...we could put that money toward something useful.

Naaaah. Makes too much sense.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Wow. It's like T&U is a newcomer to America.

Substance McGravitas said...

She meant jails.

mikey said...

Now, now c'mon. Let's be fair here.

If I lived out in the New Mexico desert and used large amounts of military grade explosives and solid rocket fuel to blow old radars into bits of glass and slag and sold them in a roadside shack as "art", why then NPR would come out and do a story about me, driving up the price of my artwork, and the Travel Channel would do a special about me and my ilk, and if I put some locally caught scorpions on a stick and grilled them over an open mesquite fire then hell, even the Food Network would send that obnoxious blonde headed corpulent dummy out to say his stoopid catch phrases in my face.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

that obnoxious blonde headed corpulent dummy out to say his stoopid catch phrases in my face.

and you could kill him, grill him up and sell the meat to tourists, and turn his bones into furniture.

What? Too dark?

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Does anyone have record of Williamson expressing concern over the costs of the ten prior years' mid-eastern military adventures?

Hamish Mack said...

They should build a fence in Libya. It'd be worth it to see teh head 'splosions

ckc (not kc) said...

...did he say "safer" or "poorer"?

mikey said...

They should build a fence in Libya.

That's a GREAT idea. We could tell them it's to keep out those nasty Italians.

Hell, babe, y'can't argue with history, right?

I've seen the grainy black n white film of Il Duce and the Stukas on endless loop on the Hitler Channel, where it's all Fascism, all the Time.

I mean, I KNOW, y'know?

W/V recognizes the very thing Substance was talkin about: ingirtas

ckc (not kc) said...

...a fence in Libya...

...maybe it's to keep in the elephants! (Carthago delenda est, don't you know.)

ckc (not kc) said...

...according to several ancient sources the Roman statesman Cato the Elder would always end his speeches with some variation of this expression even if he had not been discussing Carthage in the speech.

...ah, politicians never change!

fish said...

When all you have is a fin

There won't be a lot of conversation

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

She meant jails.

It's a two-fer: it gets young black people off the voting rolls and relocates them to rural areas, where they're considered residents for the purposes of representation.

It's a GOP win/win!

Kathleen said...

he does know how many miles the boarder is, right?