Thursday, March 3, 2011


Go* see Roger Ailes for something more substantive.

*Yes Mr. Bouffant this word is very very really totally necessary.


vacuumslayer said...

"Go* see Roger Ailes for something more substantive."

I'm against substance.


Substance McGravitas said...

It's nice to be the one saying "Aren't you quick!"

Smut Clyde said...

I think that should read "Go to see...".

M. Bouffant said...

A little defensive, aren't we?

wv captcha is: sussing

vacuumslayer said...

*checks timestamps* Oooh, I did jump on this one pretty fast, didn't I? Well, when one is dedicated to wasting time on the internets instead of having a life, these happy accidents are bound to happen.

Btw, I started reading the Ailes piece last night in bed but got tiyerd. So I'll finish it today. I do enjoy a good "pick an argument apart line by line" piece.