Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Computer is Old Too

As I remain solidly behind the curve, I use a bunch of old Macs. I like Firefox, and the speed difference in the new version is pretty impressive on the PC at work. None of'em are Intel-based machines, however, and Mozilla has left them behind.

TenFourFox works on my G5, while the frighteningly-named Minefield works reasonably well too and covers the G4 laptop. The most important extensions still seem to work fine, though I lost PassiveCache (which I liked a lot). Not really sure which is peppier; maybe M. Bouffant's page is the true test?

Hmm, Minefield seems to do better with Flash, so sticking with that.

OMG I did not know what Bouffant had waiting there at that page over thereabouts.

I'll get you for this Weigel. YOU'LL MOO THE DAY.

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ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I think M. Bouffant's page is an excellent test of something.

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

My patience, for one.

I like firefox too. But maybe it's just what I'm used to now.

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

I had a feeling that would end badly for Dave. I, um, LOVE dancing grannies.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I am tempted to post this on his blog.

Substance McGravitas said...

Feel free.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Weigel DOOM may be the very reason for which the Internet has been created!

Not really sure which is peppier; maybe M. Bouffant's page is the true test?

Yeah, he has so much content, his page takes a long time to load. I love him, but he taxes my antiquated laptop.

Smut Clyde said...

Use the BFG2000.

TruculentandUnreliable said...

My netbook is not a fan of Bouffant's place, either, but I just check it at work.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I say you install System 7 on 'em.

Substance McGravitas said...


mikey said...

The problem is not your computer, grasshopper.

The problem is your OS.

If only there was an Operating System that was modern, friendly, usable and compatible, that didn't have security holes or exploitable weaknesses, that was useful and functional and safe and secure and ran efficiently on more limited hardware, with a smaller memory and compute footprint.

And just for grins, as long as we're wishing for something like this, what if it was totally, unequivocally, without question or obfuscation, FREE?

That would be AMAZING!!!

Substance McGravitas said...

Does it run Quartz Composer and iMovie and Quicktime and Reason? Cuz I lean on those a lot.

mikey said...

Of COURSE it doesn't run Quartz. That's the whole freakin idea!

You find equivelents, and you find you've gained some capabilities here, and lost some there.

But you look around and you think, hey, I guess I gave up a little here and there, but no one OWENS my computer anymore. I am totally free to use it the way it was intended to be used, and to work within a community that is developing real advanced software, without having to support snot leopard or whatever it was that came before.

Hey, babe. You don't have to join. You can stay out there where they can own you, and manage you, and even infect you.

I just wonder why, at the end of the day, you'd make THAT particular choice...

Substance McGravitas said...

Mikey, I'm just trollin' ya. We have the same go 'round every few months.

The bottom line is that I already have cheap machines that do a bunch of things I really like; in the case of a few of those things I really like I am unaware of Linux equivalents. When the machines die, we'll see what they get replaced with, but I'll wager I'm not going to luck into a free laptop again.

TruculentandUnreliable said...


That covers Quicktime and whatever the fuck else you want that can run in Windows.

I don't really know anything about Linux-based media editing software. Snot leopard (heh) may be a better choice. You could try dual booting and messing around with it a little. (Don't ask me how; I only play a geek on the internet).

It really is faster and I'm all about the open source shit. But, yeah, there are a few tradeoffs.

I don't have Ubuntu on this laptop (getting free internet access via Ubuntu requires technical measures that are outside my comfort zone), but I liked it quite a bit on my old laptop, aside from the fact that Blackboard did not like it at all. But Blackboard's a piece of shit under the best circumstances.

M. Bouffant said...

Maybe I'm more patient than y'all, but I have little trouble w/ my super-exciting display of tasteful color & information excess.

Well, lead, follow, or get off my lawn, as I head to the New Media 22nd century.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

New Media Bouffant?

TruculentandUnreliable said...

The hell? I wrote a giant comment about Ubuntu last night. It was GENIUS!


Substance McGravitas said...

Should show up in a minute.

Substance McGravitas said...

Oh, there it is.

Substance McGravitas said...


The problem outlined in the post above, though, is that my machines run on an old chip set. So they're fairly pokey plus people leave the entire architecture behind. Running Ubuntu so I can run Wine to possibly run the Windows software that Apple ordinarily writes badly for Windows - let alone other things that might not like Wine - is silly when the Apple machines themselves that I own haven't cost me anything to run since I got them (with the exception of one laptop battery and time of course) and would represent a serious slowdown. It just isn't a solution to anything at all at this point...except maybe to run Firefox 4, which is not a necessity but is nice, and there are two flavours of that for my machine that work. So hooray for me!

TruculentandUnreliable said...

Gotcha. Makes sense to me.