So she may decide to settle for being a beloved, world-historical figure like TR, and leave the presidency to lesser men (or women!). But there was another politician who faced a similar choice, four years ago: I could be content with the adoring crowds, the bestselling books, the ideological media applauding my every move — or I could go for the presidency. We all know the choice Barack Obama made; and I somehow don’t think — all “quitter” gibes to the contrary — that Sarah Palin has any less fight in her than her fellow basketball player in the Oval Office.Maybe, but are they playing the same game for the same prize? (Sarah Palin as a "world-historical figure like TR" is a smidge of overreach, imagining she did something in "the world" and all.)
Americans, face your future presiden- BZZZZ the alarm goes off and Mike Potemra wakes up.

Oh, it's just another nimrod at the corner.
So she may decide to settle for being a beloved, world-historical figure like TR, and leave the presidency to lesser men
Up until now I had thought TR had been president.
Todd Rundgren!
TR is beloved here as the guy...who was in that movie with Ben Stiller. at the musueum. hah aha funnneee.
A commenter in the thread:
1) As Gov. completed an international pipeline deal, which had languished for years, to further develope Alaska's Natural Gas resources to the benefit of Alaskans. She had to negotiate with Canada, Canadian companies and U.S. companies to bring it all together.
What have the other contenders accomplished on the international scene?
It is true that in Canada we revere the world-historical figure Sarah Palin.
Americans, face your future presiden- BZZZZ the alarm goes off and Mike Potemra wakes up.
His sheets covered in a foul mixture of variegated bodily exudations.
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