Hey, what about those holograms down the one side?
There they are. Those are nice and all but the human warmth of this money is best displayed by the...GAAAH!
Little worms all over the face of Her Highness! And her beauty is obscured by petty numbers! Peeking through the other side - ignore the other art as it's not interesting in comparison - there's a little recompense as we have a ghostly Queen peeking through the other side:
What a relief. And we can get an even closer view of her luminous beauty here, only partially marred by worm damage:
What a delightful, respectable - and attractive! - woman. Excuse me, I have developed a strong urge to put Lyndon LaRouche in prison.

I have developed a strong urge to put Lyndon LaRouche in prison.
The only humane thing to do with him, really.
And he'd be so happy, too.
I'm only saying that a proper money owner DE-WORMS their money!!
Had I more dongs in my pockets I'm sure my money would be less wormy.
The EURion Constellation should be there somewhere too. Also. Unless the worms are replacing EURion.
All Glory to the HypnoQueen.
We also have some Braille. Last I knew Canada was printing money for other countries as well, like Ukraine.
OMG, the queen has Morgellon's!
It's really trippy to scroll through all those images fast.
OMG, the queen has Morgellon's!
I see they are printing the banknotes on that expensive handmade paper with the hemp fibres.
And the zombie's been smoking it.
I agree with you. Canadians are too stupid to rule themselves, so the queen is necessary for them. Why you hate this LaRouche character so much, I do not know. It is, however, good to know that her royal subjects are still to stupified to ask what it means to be a citizen.
And that queen woman is only attractive to really old people and those that use the term GILF.
Welcome Alan!
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