Daniel Foster wants you to know that the president will kill you:
The stripping of the “death panels” from the final version of Obamacare won’t stop the administration from getting “end of life planning” into Medicare by other means.
You might think that "end of life planning" might have something to do with ordinary medical treatment like, say, weighing the benefits of extending your life for a year vs. spending most of that year hooked up to machines or taking poison intravenously, or, you know, at least letting patients and their loved ones know in advance what their prospects are. I think I am to read Mr. Foster otherwise.
Yeah, it would be a shame if those dying folks could just opt for palliative care leading to natural death and avoid pauperizing their families.
I think this guy never had that painful conversation with his parents where they confided in him that yes, everybody dies. He thinks death doesn't happen if you don't talk about it.
For the New Yr., I am resolved not to make empty threats of violence against people, or NR typists.
Which gives me a bit under a wk. to track this lying sack of shit down & allow him a look at the end of his life.
For the New Yr., I am resolved not to make empty threats of violence against people, or NR typists.
Just make those threats full- the new year will be much more eventful that way.
But just try and get onto a death panel!! Then the Cops will come and hassle you!!
I'm told in the original version of Obamacare, the death panels were composed of Heidi Klum and Michael Kors.
They added Steven Tyler and IT ALL WENT TO HELL.
In the usual way that wingpop memes show their true wishes they're just cranky that they don't get to be on the death panels. They see that as their true role in society to mete out the ultimate penalty to the deserving.
WV: Like those who commit bolugamy. Surely only SC knows what that is.
If steven Tyler was on a Death Panel, it might help mikey come to terms with the American Idol thing.
also, with the title of the post, a link to the song "O Death" might be appropriate.
I am sure you have your pick of artists.
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