Silvio Berlusconi has shortlisted his dental hygienist to contest crucial elections next month. The 73-year-old premier was apparently unable to resist the charms of Nicole Minetti, a showgirl turned dental hygienist who he met when his teeth were being repaired after he was attacked in Milan in December

I've read that paragraph five times and I still can't figure out what it's supposed to mean.
I may be distracted, though.
Hmmm. I REALLY think I should be getting chix like that.
I guess it's time to execute my nefarious plan:
1.Become a media mogul and leverage the wealth and access into the leadership of a mid-sized nation.
3.Hawt Chix!!!!!
The sign says no smoking, but Minetti plans to change that when she enters Parliament.
"Berlusconi chooses candidates more for their good looks than for their experience," said Anna Finocchiaro, the Senate leader of the Democratic Party.
"He's filled parliament with beautiful girls, albeit competent, but they don't count for anything within the party."
Meanwhile, Barbara Saltamartini, an MP who has responsibility for equal opportunities within Mr Berlusconi's party, said Ms Finocchiaro's remarks had shown "that she is an enemy of women".
..a showgirl turned dental hygienist
...knows where the crud accumulates...should do well among politicians.
When in the dentist's chair, Silvio dreamed of genie, and there she was!
Now I feel even worse about my recent dental visits.
This was a deeply satisfying story that confirmed my every prejudice about Italian politics. Then I saw that it came from the Daily Telegraph, and immediately I started wondering whether Berlusconi was in fact involved in her nomination as a candidate in the regional elections, and indeed whether he's ever met her.
Further Googling revealed that the only confirmatory sources are other UK tabloid papers repeating the Torygraph story (or in the case of the Times, getting a correspondent nominally based in Rome to repeat it in his own words), so now I'm even doubting the existence of Nicole Minetti, and of Berlusconi himself.
(and how are your gums?)
It's certainly a good rule never to trust English papers on anything, but Minetti was a candidate and it is Berlusconi's party, so while the story of their meeting could easily be bullshit, SILVIO BERLUSCONI HA HA HA.
He has had a hand in other pretty girls - stop sentence there? - getting into politics.
Whatever the truth, you can rely on Mr. Berlusconi to defend himself in the worst possible way.
Mr Berlusconi later told reporters that he was sorry his wife had apparently believed "what she read in the papers".
He said his party was aiming to select female candidates because "we want to renew our political class with people who are cultured and well prepared".
Candidates standing for the PdL would be unlike the "malodorous and badly dressed people who represent certain parties in parliament", Mr Berlusconi added.
"malodorous and badly dressed people who represent certain parties in parliament"
Details. We demand details. If this is true, then there is a place for me in Italian politics.
But he has a nerve going on about "badly dressed" when this Minetti candidate is shown holding up her own rather inadequate skirt with a safety pin.
Now that I've posted that, I notice it's from spring 2009 which means anything involving showgirls and Berlusconi now MUST BE TRUE!
Call it a diaper pin and it's sexier.
The PDL's web page lists Nicole Minetti as a majority premium candidate in Lombardy.
pretty cheap way to drive up traffic, Substance. But I guess the customer base for ragin bingo grannies is limited. And since the Orly Porn brings mikey in consistently, why not?
Now that I've posted that, I notice it's from spring 2009
Because a number of those individuals were originally proposed for the Euro Parliament elections last year. Minetti's case does relate to the Italian regional elections later this month.
It seems Berlusconi's party has had some filing problems in a couple of regions, including Lombardy. As usual, communists are to blame.
Speaking on behalf of all the malodorous and badly dressed peoples of the world, you can have your well-scrubbed and fancily-dressed MPs all you want.
Can we just occasionally get one of the hot chix?
pretty cheap way to drive up traffic
FREE even.
I meant cheap as in 'slutty'. substance.
I come cheap too.
if that picture is of Substance, I am interested.
Once I've got my face on I'm pretty cute.
Hey, Silvio's just living up to his original campaign promise.
The "Politics" section starts on Page 3.
Once I've got my face on I'm pretty cute
Just publish the face, then, and leave the rest of you.
The tutu and Hitler boots are pretty cute, too.
That looks like a cheap office chair, and are those paintbrushes? Italian dentistry is weird.
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