The only thing I share with Marlon Brando, aside from friendships with both Stella Adler and Harold Clurman, is an alcoholic mother.I'll betcha you can get up a Marxist gangster's totem pole if you have the right kind of ZORB.
As that great actor has indicated more than once, a mother like that can keep you always on your toes.
It is with such alertness that I can show you how Marlon Brando’s entire career and Elia Kazan’s On The Waterfront can lead you up a Marxist gangster’s totem pole to the Godfather of all Godfathers, Mao Zedong.
That Godfather is even colder, more cunning and more ruthless than Al Pacino’s title role in The Devil’s Advocate. Yes, Mao Zedong is the Godfather of all Satanists.
The trailer for Moriarty's Hitler Meets Christ:
Pagan liberals may feel free to construct their own totem poles from the items below.

I liked Michael Moriarty in that movie about the dragon from South America. When did he go nuts?
I dunno when precisely, but it's especially weird that he fled to Socialist Canada.
Apparently use of analogy needs to be licensed.
He lives in Canada and he's pissing and moaning about how the U.S. is going all socialest-y? Jeezum H. Buttplug.
I liked Michael Moriarty in that movie about the dragon from South America.
I liked the one where Holmes threw him off a cliff.
My poetic license was revoked after that "drunk in charge of a limerick" conviction.
Up a pole? So who's having a baby—Marx, a gangster, you? I understand that Mao will be the godfather.
Hierarchy of time on one's hands.
Hillary peeking is pretty great.
Sec. Clinton has the look of something having been unexpectedly inserted, or she was told to widen her eyes so she won't look so old & squinty in the photo.
Hey, tigris has an (appropriate) avatar.
Quite surprising that with Hillary so universally beloved there are so many unflattering pictures floating around on the interwebs.
Totem poles come with their own moustaches already but probably they would benefit from additional ones.
ALSO -- the Zorb is obviously a dream symbol for the fertilised blastocyst. [insert scholarly quotation here from writings of R.D. Laing]
Tinky is obviously the worst of the bunch.
...none of those are poles - here's a couple
Hey, lookit that! Movable pictures without any fancy Flash or Java or Ajax or whatnot!
Plus, class="drag" is really fun to type!
(Just how far behind am I, anyway?)
Michael Moriarity - the poor man's Christopher Walken.
You know, those word verification thingees are hard to type in when you're drunk.
That's probably to keep me out of comments at odd hours. Or most hours, really.
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