Ironic, isn’t it? The people who pledged to unite America…have divided it to a point not seen since the Civil War.I realize the Civil War is a big deal to conservative folks FOR SOME REASON but I recall from my youth actual violence over actual policies. A further investigation of The Internet reveals that after the Civil War some Americans remained less, um, enfranchised than others, and sometimes violence would happen over these divisions. That's right, I'm talking about THE GREEKS.
Anyway, there is not a god-damned bit of proof that America is more divided than it ever has been since the Civil War and Takebacko, The Dog-Poop-Eating Dog DEMANDS THAT YOU EAT YOUR OWN POOP!

Man, there's a lot of POOP to be et by these morans.
Doo waddidi doggy doo doggy doo!
Hmm, Takebacko should really be pooping little зорв turds...
Man, they just don't make tyranny like they used to. Back in them days, it was human slavery. Today, it's the tyranny of being able to buy health insurance, even if you NEED health insurance.
I'm sure those insurance industry regulations and exchanges will get people out on the barricades, pit brother against brother and lead to the mobilization of millions of soldiers to the cause of, um, insurance!!!
Dog-poop-eating Dog needs MOAR ANIMATION.
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