Thanks to Osirix I can get a tissue layer and a bone layer out of my CT scans. Those can be exported as 3D images into MeshLab, where I can do a little cleanup. Sadly I then need to get usable DAE files from SketchUp, but oh well. The DAE files can then, of course, head into Quartz Composer where anything can happen.
And as it happens, the workplace has 3D printers and a free SolidWorks for me. What can I use this for? Coffee mug? Planter?
Dood, you start making Substance McGravitas skull coffee mugs on demand and you're, well, you're not gonna get rich, but you're gonna be able to afford more & better booze...
Make yourself a larger skull you can fit more brains into.
more & better booze ...
More is really all that counts.
More brains equals more pains.
The hat has to have a little protrusion like a Lego piece; once it snaps into the hole there it stays pretty good.
You getting a head transplant?
I dunno if it's quite that bad yet...I'm a head half-full kind of person.
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