I brought another few hundred songs in to work. I thought I'd play 'em a bunch just to listen to things I'd been ignoring and it turns out iTunes hates these ten the most.
Let It Be | The Beatles
Stop Breaking Down | The Rolling Stones
Diego Maradona | Alboth (Have an old Omoide Hatoba song instead.)
Found You In A Dream | Silver Sun (Only about a minute and a half long, here's a bunch of that.)
Where Have All The Rude Boys Gone | Ted Leo & The Pharmacists
Riding You | Chrome
Miss Ann | Little Richard
Life's What You Make It | Rowland S. Howard
Ballad Of Sister Sue | Slowdive
Danse Espagnole | Angèle Dubeau & La Pietà (Everyone knows Danse Espagnole so here.)
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Kirsten Powers:
Michele Bachmann: Don't Call Her a FeministOkay then.
In late 2010, when conservative pundit S.E. Cupp told CNN’s Larry King that she thought Bachmann should run for president, the panel erupted in giggles. King was puzzled: “Are you kidding or do you mean that?”Indeed. Though S.E. Cupp looked like a really big stupid idiot for asserting that, people now know that she is a scary idiot.
Nobody should be laughing now.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Here is a now-abandoned blog written by Mel Andringa. When I was in Iowa he put on a show with The Drawing Legion (a droll logo read "NEW YORK - AMSTERDAM - IOWA CITY) called The Fall of Babylon that I liked a whole bunch. Now he does Legion Arts in the City of Five Smells.
The first link, though, starts at the start and follows his artistic life, from painting and acting to finding out nifty ways of mixing the two with the springboard of work with Robert Wilson. I have had nearly no acquaintance with his other performed paintings - The Fall of Babylon was essentially a series of stage-sized images composed over time via performance and staging plus entertaining moaning about the agonies of creation - but the writing at the blog is somehow naïve and knowing and it's interesting to me to watch him move through visual styles and on through performance styles. (You gotta click "NEXT" at the bottom of the page as the site's archiving mechanism is not the greatest.)
He gets points for figuring out the neat trick of buying different puzzles from the same manufacturer and mixing them.
Clicking the pic gets you Flickr sets.
The first link, though, starts at the start and follows his artistic life, from painting and acting to finding out nifty ways of mixing the two with the springboard of work with Robert Wilson. I have had nearly no acquaintance with his other performed paintings - The Fall of Babylon was essentially a series of stage-sized images composed over time via performance and staging plus entertaining moaning about the agonies of creation - but the writing at the blog is somehow naïve and knowing and it's interesting to me to watch him move through visual styles and on through performance styles. (You gotta click "NEXT" at the bottom of the page as the site's archiving mechanism is not the greatest.)
He gets points for figuring out the neat trick of buying different puzzles from the same manufacturer and mixing them.
Clicking the pic gets you Flickr sets.
Lovecraft Remixed
Computers eaten by invisible monsters in broad daylight:
It is with great trepidation and horror that I announce the Lovecraft Remixed chapbook, a collection of the “SciFi Gnoetry” that Matthew and I have interactively-generated over the last year or so.
An Apple Disaster
It's not actually intuitive or helpful to redesign an entire program that people use day in and day out in a working environment. Final Cut is complicated stuff. Also removing features is a fucking no-no. And hey, taking the old version off the market was pretty sharp!
Computer Stuff
Monday, June 27, 2011
Gurlz Ztuff
This is awesome. I would tell you something about it but I don't have anything funnier to say and excerpting ANY of the jokes would detract from the experience.
I even enjoyed these commenters detracting from the experience. Concern!
I even enjoyed these commenters detracting from the experience. Concern!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
World B. Free
News in names:
Ron Artest, a Lakers’ forward, is one step closer to changing his name. Artest has already filed the necessary paperwork with the Los Angeles County Superior Court so that he can change his name. Artest wants to change his name to “Metta World Peace” and he is serious about this.Ron you silly Billy, I demand to know why I was not consulted. The JanusNode can do so much better:
Sergeant Lou Thuno Crevice-Outfit
Knocker Shaved-Culminating
Docfernanda Interrogate
Honest Deceitfully
Recitation Sung
Rudyfub Deforestation
Centennial Itineraries
Maryape Implicit
Collateral Beepree
Diachronic Burnes
Mitchell Prying-Target
Nobleman Antiquarians
Crouch Perpetrating
Auckland Sybil
Cackles Klooploocprothla
Osbert Repealer
Resynchronization Identically
Mister Thoodhaf
Tire Bulky
Edgar Defoe
Yopldek Manure
Adducible Wade
Metaphorical Toledo
Art Upholsters
Stans Pranks
Tishpicayune Mortician-Patterning
Wesoundness Macarthur-Surmount
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Proving the Point
Roger Kimball has questions:
You're welcome Roger Kimball. Thanks for the assist Roger Kimball.
The biographical information below could use some updating:

Et cetera:
I was away from my computer yesterday when I got the news that Conrad Black, former proprietor of the London Telegraph, The Spectator, and other plum media outlets, was sentenced by Judge Amy St. Eve in Chicago to another year in jail for . . . er, why was it that Conrad Black had been sent to jail? Back in 2007, federal prosecutors complied a laundry list of charges against Lord Black and spoke of seeking a sentence of “24 to 30” years for . . . again, what was it that Lord Black had done?My dear Mr. Kimball, if you follow the link Mr. Kimball supplies you will find out that Black is still in jail for one count of fraud (two were reversed!) and you will also find a handy videotape of Mr. Black trying to hide evidence, which resulted in the obstruction charge.
You're welcome Roger Kimball. Thanks for the assist Roger Kimball.
The biographical information below could use some updating:

Et cetera:

Friday, June 24, 2011
Filed For Later Use

Someone's face will fit in there one day. MAYBE MINE. I guess there's a post beneath that could use it too. Had I but world enough and time I'd commit the photoshopic crime. Later.
I Owe the Gods
Sure would be terrible if her head hit the floor hard:
Barbara Amiel fainted after a judge ruled Friday afternoon that her husband, Conrad Black, will return to prison after he was resentenced in a Chicago courtroom.Barbara Amiel link added by me, just to be mean. Well done, Lady Shitbag!
A Murder
Via a comment at LGM I'll just pass this along.
The details are thin but they sure don’t smell right. The short form is that Sunny Sheu had his house stolen from him by fictive buyers who used forged documents. Judge Golia of Queens engaged in what appears to be highly questionable behavior in failing to reverse the sale. Sheu started investigating the judge, was told by policeman who specifically referred to information he had provided about Golia, and that if he didn’t drop it, he’d wind up dead. Sheu disregarded their warning and did wind up dead. The authorities are also refusing to honor requests for information regarding Sheu’s death made under New York’s Freedom of Information Act. This story has been publicized by Foreclosure Fraud and The Daily Bail and I hope it gets more traction.Worth reading. Comments fill out details (a rare thing).
Thursday, June 23, 2011
For no special reason other than that I'm reading it - and all right-thinking people do what I do - here's a PDF of the constitution of Afghanistan in English.
Articles 22 through 59 are the supposed rights of the citizenry.
Freedom is awesome.
Articles 22 through 59 are the supposed rights of the citizenry.
Freedom is awesome.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
At Some Future Point Sarah Palin May Be Involved In Some Voting-Related Activity According to an Article at Another Outlet Based on a Press Release
Good thing we have this important news:
And oh, hey, didn't she quit that show?

Brent Bozell says the new Palin documentary is "more than a documentary, it's an event" BUT:

And the Emmy winner is… Sarah Palin?Exactly how many shows has TLC entered "for consideration"? Also I enter everyone on my blogroll for a Nobel prize.
Don’t rule it out: The former Alaska governor just might score an Emmy nomination next month. Palin was an executive producer for her reality series “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” and according to the Los Angeles Times, TLC has entered the show “for consideration in four categories: cinematography, picture editing, music composition and best reality program.”
And oh, hey, didn't she quit that show?
Brent Bozell says the new Palin documentary is "more than a documentary, it's an event" BUT:
Most conservatives are Palin fans, but it she runs for president, will they favor her over other candidates? This is where the film begins to grate, suggesting Palin is a better, more conservative alternative than all the male GOP presidential contenders. Andrew Breitbart, Mark Levin, and Tammy Bruce suggest Palin is Ronald Reagan's natural heir. The governing experience of other conservatives is somehow translated into a negative.Rest easy Brent, your party is not about to get PWNED BY A GURL.
Is Sarah Palin that much better? Breitbart steps on a more than a few toes by insisting that conservative men inside the Washington Beltway are all "eunuchs who have run as men but aren't men" for failing to be aggressive enough against Obama and allowing Palin to be criticized. That's not exactly a page from "How to Win Friends and Influence People."
Cheap Animation,
Drag and Drop
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
That Leech
That leech really needs an ophthalmologist. Also a mousetache.
What the heck, have a badly reorganized set of Captain Beefheart sounds.
Cheap Animation,
Deaf Composers,
Drag and Drop
This isn't a great song (like this one) but something really fascinates me about that stabby little organ through the verses. Did she hire a praying mantis or something?
Public Shaming
Some rioting happened and now here is a website. And another. And another. And another. And another.
While I am somewhat conflicted on property damage and burning police cars - who's to say what's right and what's wrong in this crazy world? - it's clear enough that the day and the evening were entirely idiot-driven, from looting targets to, um, visibility in photos, to bragging about loot on Facebook... And I don't want people to get hurt or their stuff destroyed unless of course I have one of my many thousands of petty and irrational grudges against them. Anyway, Shaming On The Internet is an interesting manifestation of this new intertubes stuff the young folks are fooling with.
Read the comments of the posts that identify individuals to find justified monsters who really want addresses and phone numbers. Opposing them are just excruciating concern trolls.
The riot's not over, it's just gone digital.
Below is a really slick video put together by the Vancouver Police Department:
Let me be clear here: I fucking hate the Vancouver Police Department. Cool video though, and I must say that their restraint was commendable during this hockey riot as opposed to, um, that last hockey riot. Boy, you could smell the tear gas in the air wherever you were downtown for that one. And you know, since that first hockey riot there's been a large push to have an "entertainment district" which is, I guess, the ideal way to make sure there's one place in town where everyone can gather to form a nice drunken mob. Extend the entertainment opportunities outwards, powers-that-be!
Some more interesting technology:
While I am somewhat conflicted on property damage and burning police cars - who's to say what's right and what's wrong in this crazy world? - it's clear enough that the day and the evening were entirely idiot-driven, from looting targets to, um, visibility in photos, to bragging about loot on Facebook... And I don't want people to get hurt or their stuff destroyed unless of course I have one of my many thousands of petty and irrational grudges against them. Anyway, Shaming On The Internet is an interesting manifestation of this new intertubes stuff the young folks are fooling with.
Read the comments of the posts that identify individuals to find justified monsters who really want addresses and phone numbers. Opposing them are just excruciating concern trolls.
The riot's not over, it's just gone digital.
Below is a really slick video put together by the Vancouver Police Department:
Let me be clear here: I fucking hate the Vancouver Police Department. Cool video though, and I must say that their restraint was commendable during this hockey riot as opposed to, um, that last hockey riot. Boy, you could smell the tear gas in the air wherever you were downtown for that one. And you know, since that first hockey riot there's been a large push to have an "entertainment district" which is, I guess, the ideal way to make sure there's one place in town where everyone can gather to form a nice drunken mob. Extend the entertainment opportunities outwards, powers-that-be!
Some more interesting technology:
The Insurance Corporation of B.C. is offering its facial-recognition technology to help match up photos of suspects with their driver license pictures.
Monday, June 20, 2011
The Undefeated
John Nolte:
The key to the ultimate effectiveness of a documentary like “The Undefeated” is more than just how many people see it or even who those people are. Certainly that matters to some degree, but so does how the very existence of the documentary changes the national political conversation. Naysayers of the “The Undefeated” dismiss the film’s impact by telling us that only Palinistas are going to bother to buy tickets. In other words, since the film preaches to the choir there will be no new converts. Intentionally or not, that’s a fairly simplistic declaration that doesn’t take into account how the film will impact the political news narrative — an impact that’s already apparent to anyone paying attention.I have a link to anyone paying attention.
The story of “The Undefeated” is the story the MSM chose to intentionally ignore as soon as Governor Palin arrived on the national scene and became a real threat to their plans to anoint Barack Obama president. Today, without the film even having been released, we’re already having the discussion the film wants us to have and the MSM doesn’t.On the other hand the narrative of Sarah Palin as idiot princess of the moron brigade is going full steam. In that respect, I'd say the dreaded MSM is TOTALLY THE MOST UNDEFEATED EVAR.
In that respect, I’d say “The Undefeated” is already a success.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Crooked Timber has a new troll:
Opposition to egalitarianism does not imply a hatred of liberty. There are plenty of libertarians who would consider themselves staunch defenders of liberty, but reject egalitarianism. In fact, many political theorists have noticed a trade off between liberty and equality. It is liberty and equality that have traditionally been at odds—with the right favoring liberty and the left favoring equality. Part of my point is that some of the methods the left uses to advance its vision are tyrannical. As for my aversion to someone seeking to change my mind, I provided a link to a respectable psychiatric study on Communist methods of “thought reform” for a reason. There is a difference between respectful discussion and an attempt at actual coercion. My objection is not to liberty, but to egalitarians who use unethical methods to force others to agree with them. Not because they are exercising liberty, but because they are tyrants.
Friday, June 17, 2011
So What?
Lisa Mei Norton reviews the new Palin documentary:
But, really, who gives a shit? Is she running for office or something?
In stark contrast, the film then cuts over to a dramatic 3-minute montage of pure, unadulterated hatred from the left for this VP candidate which history will record as one of the most vicious campaigns to annihilate a public figure. It was vulgar. It was brutal. It was violent. It was main stream. It was textbook Alinsky. And yet, she is still standing…undefeated.Well no she isn't because she is a big quitty-quit quitter who couldn't take the heat and quit because she had been defeated and lost and quit. Then she helped some other old guy lose who wouldn't have lost so badly without her.
But, really, who gives a shit? Is she running for office or something?
Thursday, June 16, 2011
News from Victoria:
Police say the 42-year-old busker was performing near the corner of Government and Wharf Streets about 7 p.m. Saturday when four men started taunting him.
Without warning, Darth Fiddler was tackled causing minor injuries and, according to some reports, smashing his fiddle.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Live Riot Footage
Catch it while it lasts.
Or here, sez Bouffant.
This'll probably have news if you missed it. It is awfully kind of rioters to do their thing around the CBC building.
There's a Facebook turn-in-the-rioters page. Some of the pictures are excellent, and comments are fun. The internet is a remarkable thing, and Facebook is just idiotic if you're, you know, a guy who likes to burn things. Are there any profile deletions this morning?
Or here, sez Bouffant.
This'll probably have news if you missed it. It is awfully kind of rioters to do their thing around the CBC building.
There's a Facebook turn-in-the-rioters page. Some of the pictures are excellent, and comments are fun. The internet is a remarkable thing, and Facebook is just idiotic if you're, you know, a guy who likes to burn things. Are there any profile deletions this morning?
Do You Like to Mess Around?
Maybe this works:
I have things in my iTunes library that have accumulated without me paying any attention at all. This is one such thing, and listening at low volume at work I was briefly convinced I was listening to some 70s band and the singer might have looked a lot like this:

But with the volume up they do some things those 70s bands don't do. I just don't understand the absence of that metal chug in so much older electric-guitar music. It's so easy and satisfying - how could it have been missed?
Anyway, yes, they're revealed as the usual hipsters.
But already a nostalgia act:
For those who miss the hedonistic days of Williamsburg 2004, this show's for you: Diamond Nights and Cheeseburger play Brooklyn Bowl on February 13. $5.00 tickets are on sale.
Where's K-Lo?
An alarm bell goes off at The Corner:
Who the hell is Katrina Trinko anyway?
No K-Lo in sight. Instead, her treacherous sidekick K-To.On his blog, Al Gore gives Mitt Romney a thumbs-up for his position on climate change.
“Good for Mitt Romney — though we’ve long passes the point where weak lip-service is enough on the Climate Crisis,” Gore headlined a blog post today quoting a Washington Post article that discussed Romney’s belief that climate change was real.
Who the hell is Katrina Trinko anyway?
Irreverent Messenger of the Week: Katrina TrinkoYou graduate from college, you get to write editorials in USA Today. That's the liberal media for you.As an intern with National Review Online, a freelance writer for numerous publications, and a former Editorial Department Fellow at USA Today, Katrina Trinko may only be a year out of Thomas Aquinas College, but she is already developing a reputation as a passionate and prolific writer who isn’t afraid of calling-out the political establishment when they’re wrong.
It was Trinko’s latest opinion piece in USA Today that brought her to our attention.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Fun on the Internet
Here is something fun thanks to eddeaddad at Gnoetry Daily.
Here is Michael Moriarty writing about how funny Mark Steyn is when he's talking about Anthony Weiner:
Settings, with the Moriarty quote plus a bunch of junk up the page:

Same settings:
Here is Michael Moriarty writing about how funny Mark Steyn is when he's talking about Anthony Weiner:
Aim his gifts at a sitting duck or abbreviation for a sitting Richard The Massive or Big Dick, such as Anthony Weiner’s Twilling Twitter Twease … and, well, you encourage an impressionable septuagenerian – the word is in the D-Wiktionary – such as myself, you send him off to composing alliterative tomes!That is a perfect seed.
But slowly now. Very slowly.
Settings, with the Moriarty quote plus a bunch of junk up the page:

Same settings:
Twilling alliterative tomes!Again:
But slowly
now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very
Very slowly now. Very slowly now.
Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly
now. Very
slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowl
toAnd again:
the phrase,
“Twitpic crotch shot”.
This the phrase, “Twitpic crotch shot”.
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centers not merely familiar with both Palace an impressionable septuage.”
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The first of a series of articles:
Still, the Wendrows had resolutely refused to believe testing that consistently showed [their daughter] functioned at the level of a 2-year-old and that in addition to being autistic, she was mentally retarded.
The Wendrows were introduced to [facilitated communication] in 2004 by Dr. Sandra McClennen, a retired education professor from Eastern Michigan University who had been working with their daughter for three years. She trained the girl to use FC, a highly controversial method through which autistic people are said to communicate using a keyboard, aided by another person.
The Tuesday morning after Thanksgiving break, [facilitator Cynthia] Scarsella asked how the weekend went.
Scarsella guided the girl's right hand over the specialized keyboard. She held her wrist as the girl, striking one letter at a time, typed out a message:
"My dad gets me up banges me and then we have breakfast. ... He puts his hands on my private parts."
Scarsella asked whether the girl's mother knew. She facilitated as the girl answered yes and typed:
"She doesn't say anything."
Scarsella immediately told Natalie Miller, the girl's teacher, who notified her supervisors. Michigan law requires school officials to report any credible allegation of sexual abuse to authorities.
Within hours, police, prosecutors and social workers were on the move.
Within two days, the children were wards of the state.
Within a week, the Wendrows were in jail.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Saskatchewan is a funny place:
Raycraft said she was amazed when she first set eyes on the massive collection kept by their neighbours on a nearby acreage. "There was a house floor-to-ceiling with books," said Raycraft. "He was the collector; she had tried to get someone to appraise the books but they wouldn't come out [to the rural setting]."Video at the link with a yellover delivered by somebody I think is trying to get out of Saskatchewan. Not while saying "LIEBERRY" and looking totally fucking baked, guy. Recommended viewing.
"She didn't know how to deal with them so she started to burn them," Raycraft explained.
"We're talking 30 tonnes of books. The weight of the books is pulling the house apart."
Sunday, June 12, 2011
A poll at the National Review:

Where are the Ron Paul faithful?
Newt's vote total has been multiplied a hundred times over!

Where are the Ron Paul faithful?
Newt's vote total has been multiplied a hundred times over!

Friday, June 10, 2011
The Intellectual Side
For some reason I listened to Dennis Miller interview David Mamet. Dennis Miller is really stupid and embarrassing, but that's expected because he has never been funny. It takes real endurance to get through him pretending to be HEP like some declawed version of the already-lamed Cool Cat. On the other hand it's kinda fun to hear playwright call-in radio, which I have never heard before. One caller talks about going to see Oleanna - his first non-musical - and thinking you'd pronounce Mamet MaMAY. I think that kinda thing is charming.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Mark Landis has an exhibit in Glasgow.
Mind you, to judge by the place's website they don't know what to show or how to show it.
Mind you, to judge by the place's website they don't know what to show or how to show it.

Mitt Romney's got enough to worry about without this: Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI) is holding a rally Wednesday to accuse Romney of basically being exactly the same as Barack Obama.Untrue. Mitt Romney once tortured a dog.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
In the Absence of Substance
Douchebag Kevin D. Williamson:

Nitwit Williamson kindly included a wikipedia link for ORSON FUCKING SWINDLE FOR GOD'S SAKE and there we find this:
I just had a delightful conversation with the former head of the Economic Development Administration mentioned in our editorial this morning:Mr. Swindle is pictured below:But even former EDA chief eventually came around to the point of view that the program is useless, or perhaps worse than useless, describing it as a “congressional cookie jar.”is keen to point out that he did not “eventually come around to the view” that the EDA is a mess and a waste — he went in knowing that. A true-believing Reaganite, his desire was to kill the EDA, or, failing that, to get it on a very short leash.

Nitwit Williamson kindly included a wikipedia link for ORSON FUCKING SWINDLE FOR GOD'S SAKE and there we find this:
In 1994 and in 1996 he was a Republican candidate for Congress in Hawaii's 1st Congressional District. In 1996 he held the incumbent, Democrat Neil Abercrombie, to 50% of the vote.That's like winning!
Swindle is also on the board of Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW), an independent political advocacy group that seeks to eliminate waste, mismanagement, and inefficiency in the federal government. Throughout its history, CAGW has been accused of fronting lobbying efforts of corporations to give them the appearance of "grassroots" support.[4] In part, this is because CAGW has accepted donations from Phillip Morris, the Olin Foundation, the Bradley Foundation, Microsoft, Merrill-Lynch, and Exxon-Mobil. CAGW also has ties to convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff.[5]
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Gadget Porn
Colossus: The Forbin Project is a funny kinda film. The premise is that, seemingly untested in the real world, countries turn their defences over to massive computers that can decide to launch missiles when they feel the time is right. Then the computers start chatting with each other and getting cranky. It's hard to imagine that anyone who has used computers long enough to watch something go haywire could take such a film seriously, yet I gather it's being remade soon. With Will Smith.
The title sequence is worth watching in a Popular Science wet-dream way. I dunno if you can find the whole of the movie to watch - this is most of it - and I don't think it's worth the effort except as a look into a world so science-happy that they could cede the control of their countries over to hardware. FOOLS! Nobody needs to do that when we have Holy Books.
The title sequence is worth watching in a Popular Science wet-dream way. I dunno if you can find the whole of the movie to watch - this is most of it - and I don't think it's worth the effort except as a look into a world so science-happy that they could cede the control of their countries over to hardware. FOOLS! Nobody needs to do that when we have Holy Books.
I enjoy hearing people be mean about Sex and the City II.
Follow this and there are podcasts featuring similar ranting. Also interviews and conversations about film music. (Audio only, fortunately.)
Follow this and there are podcasts featuring similar ranting. Also interviews and conversations about film music. (Audio only, fortunately.)
Monday, June 6, 2011
Send him back to jail just to make me happy please:
TORONTO — Court documents filed by prison staff depicting Conrad Black as a less-than-model inmate are being dismissed by the former media baron as "lies," while an ex-prosecutor predicted the filings "will likely have no influence" on convincing a judge to send Black back to jail.Here's one of Black's more recent columns:
Two affidavits sworn by a unit manager and an education specialist at Coleman Federal Correctional prison, where Black spent 29 months, say the Canadian-born businessman demanded special treatment from prison staff, was an unenthusiastic tutor and had gathered a posse of followers who cooked, cleaned and ironed his shirts.
By complete accident, I have seen this program a number of times in the last few weeks, and it is always the same: Eliot Spitzer is a loud, fast-talking, overbearing know-it-all, who has rehearsed his arguments and unleashes himself on guests, or directly at the camera, in a torrent of imperious blowhardism.A non-blowhard might end there but the paragraph continues:
He is even more irritating than Bill O’Reilly, because he is just as strident and ear-splitting, but more sinister. He has more than a desire to win an argument, like O’Reilly has; Spitzer has a will to dominate, to bulldoze his interlocutor. O’Reilly is opinionated, but Spitzer is belligerent. I normally move to the classical-music channel after a few minutes of either of them. But this self-adjudicated moot court Spitzer conducted about his own fairness and balance put me in mind of other recent outrages of liberal-media partisanship.Happily, I have never seen Spitzer. Unhappily, I have read Black.

Me and Marc Emery
Ron Paul, in an email to YOURS TRULY!
Poor Ron Paul dimwit and fellow Vancouverite Marc Emery has written a pretty good description of what's going to be his day-to-day life for a while.
I don't have to defend against passing a bill just as bad as ObamaCare. Mitt Romney does. So it's ok if he has a bit more money than we do.Ron Paul is battling Mitt Romney. FOR R3ALZ!
He's going to need it.
But I certainly need to compete. It's vital I have the financial backing to build a first-class operation in early caucus and primary states and show the pundits and press that I am a serious candidate.
I know these so-called "gate keepers" are part of the Washington problem, but the fact is their either dismissing of candidates or praising them makes a difference to many undecided voters.
That's why the grassroots launched a the R3VOLUTION v. RomneyCare Money Bomb today.
Will you help us in this grassroots effort to build a first-class operation in early voting states like Iowa and New Hampshire?
Patriots like you can help me fight back. Please chip in your most generous contribution toward the grassroots the R3VOLUTION v. RomneyCare Money Bomb. Thank you for your support.JanusNode? Is that you? I could look up the fate of the money from his last campaign but I prefer to imagine that he was true to his libertarian principles and spent it on hookers and blow.
Poor Ron Paul dimwit and fellow Vancouverite Marc Emery has written a pretty good description of what's going to be his day-to-day life for a while.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Population Regulation
When I heard about a method of male birth control involving injections I immediately started wondering whether or not a cartridge of the stuff might fit into a rifle. Silly me, if you have a rifle why not fire the regular bullets and prevent the same amount of babies? Video scrotum surgery at the link my friends.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Plus One
Is this a way to make search engines better or worse?
In completely unrelated blog filler, if you think you might enjoy being me for a while remember that your child may start loudly chanting "Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing - MODOK!" at the restaurant.
Bonus dialogue:
Q. Why did MODOK want to kill people?
A. Because he was a BAD Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing.
In completely unrelated blog filler, if you think you might enjoy being me for a while remember that your child may start loudly chanting "Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing - MODOK!" at the restaurant.
Bonus dialogue:
Q. Why did MODOK want to kill people?
A. Because he was a BAD Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing.

Computer Stuff
Friday, June 3, 2011
It is completely unfair of the media to interview Sarah Palin while she is positioning herself in front of cameras.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
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