It has gotten so bad in France that in some parts of its cities, those parts controlled by marauding gangs of Muslim youths, whites never enter for fear of their lives. Not only that but not even police dare enter these areas. This dangerous situation does not seem anywhere near being solved. In fact, it’s just getting worse.Well, fortunately modern technology allows us the means to check this out. Let us go then, you and I, while an evil crescent crosses the sky...



And on to street view, for the advertised unrest, NOW IN PROGRESS:
She's gone Burqaserk
in some parts of its cities, those parts controlled by marauding gangs of Muslim youths, whites never enter for fear of their lives
Does Mr Huston actually specify the cities and the particular arondissements, so that people who actually live in France (i.e. my brother) or regular visitors (i.e. me) can send him photographs of white people entering and not fearing for their lives?
I have photographs of me and the kin on your example of Rue de Ménilmontant, but that's too easy what with the Père Lachaise.
No wonder Burqa Grannie is angry, what with that yellow rope getting in her way.
Mr. Huston has a bukit, and thus no need for your "facts", Mr. S.C. (IF that is your real name).
Does Mr Huston actually specify the cities and the particular arondissements,
Why of course he does, and I'll just look up the - wait no he doesn't. Neighbourhood chosen via a panicky Jewish newspaper.
The article itself is really about being betrayed by Batman, so it's funnier than the bit I isolated.
Warner Todd was betrayed by a comic book?
Really, they will never get their panties unbunched, will they?
I'm staying on the boat until it gets to France. I like France and somehow, despite my pallor, have survived a number of visits.
"Muslim youth" in France are mostly Algerians, who have been classified as "white" by just about everyone since the earliest days of stupid race classification systems.
Neighbourhood chosen via a panicky Jewish newspaper.
Further inspection proves that teh Père Lachaise Cemetery is full of DEAD WHITE PEOPLE. OMFSM Huston is RIGHT.
being betrayed by Batman
I had previously missed the Alicublog post on the theme (and was therefore unaware that Bruce Wayne was extending Batman Inc. as an international franchise with a branch in France), which Roy's regulars quickly turn into a discussion of "Batman teaming up with Foucalt".
There are complains that "Bruce Wayne recruits an Algerian Muslim living in France" as the local version of Robin rather than "genuine French boy or girl"
The French in their ineffable wisdom decreed in 1848 that Algeria was "an integral part of France, much like Corsica and Réunion are to this day". So anyone born there was, well, French. And how one can be more genuinely French than having French ancestors escapes me.
The French in their ineffable wisdom decreed in 1848
pfft. History.
They really do get their nickers in a twist over the stupidest things. Is there any "conservative" out there who can even ape being an intellectual?
Oh K!
I, uh, meant to do that...
I aped an intellectual once.
Actually, it was more of a case of date - ape.
When we sobered up, she thought I smelled bad.
To this day, I'll stick with monkeys...
"Nicker:" One who steals, I believe.
Or a fan of Nickelodeon.
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