.@andrewbreitbart: what msm did to george w for 8 years was “alinsky on steroids. It was to destroy the man, a wartime president.” #nrcruiseAlso a wartime president:

.@andrewbreitbart: what msm did to george w for 8 years was “alinsky on steroids. It was to destroy the man, a wartime president.” #nrcruiseAlso a wartime president:
This is Obama's war. He is a monster.
When Alinsky wrote The Art of War he put a lot of stress on the ambush.
This page is the second hit on Google for #nrcruise.
That is, when you type #nrcruise into the search box, to search for #nrcruise, the #nrcruise search returns this #nrcruise page as the second-most #nrcruise -iest page in the whole intarweebs.
There are no #nrcruise pages more #nrcruis -ier than this #nrcruise page other than the #nrcruise page for the #nrcruise itself.
WV asks me to guess. Okay, I guess #nrcruise.
Bouffant's sidebar updater is gonna steal that spot in a jiffy.
You can email links to your posts, google likes that a lot.
a wartime president
If Obama wants to be a rock-ribbed, grab-the-bull-by-the-horns, bronco-bustin', spittoon-spittin', deciding yet simultaneously dissenting wartime president, he'll have to start his own war. He can't just borrow Bush's.
Needs drop and drag skulls.
A cursory Googling reveals that 4 years ago people were already tired
of the phrase “on steroids” to denote an abundance or excess of something.
I dunno. I see at LEAST two - no, make that THREE - problems.
First, that axe? Who does pretty boy think he's fooling? That thing is nigh onto useless for, well, for anything, really. It's too big and heavy to actually use in a fight. It's got a weird shape and looks pretty fragile to use for cutting trees. I gonna go ahead and take the position it's all show and no go.
Then there's that HAT! It really wouldn't be so bad except for the fucking TUSKS! What. The. Fuck? They make Handsome Hugh here look like a feral Porky the Pig ON STEROIDS (yeah. I said it. Whatcha gonna do, go get your stupid giant hatchet?), and if somebody hit you just a glancing blow on the side of your preternaturally pretty head you'd end up Gored on your own Chapeau. The ultimate triumph of form over function. Idiot.
Finally, you got all that swell armor on your head, shoulders, arms, neck, chest and, oh yeah, don't forget your ankles, sweetheart. Hey Trixie, here's a newsflash: You're wearing a DRESS, for fucks sake. Legs, knees, junk, all exposed with NO protection. The first little fellah you come up against is gonna significantly reduce your mobility, and not in a good way. Funny thing about armor, cutie - it's kind of an all-or-nothing deal. I'm pretty sure you didn't think this one all the way through, rookie...
I'm sorry.
What was the topic?
Also and as well, he has been there a long time, since they are skellingtons or he just found them and posed for the painter. Now why the fuck were they there? Just hanging around waitin' for a warrior type to show up. "Look I got a big arse Axe you can lean on, and a funny hat. G'wan, your girlfriend will love it"
I dunno. I see at LEAST two - no, make that THREE - problems.
First, that axe? Who does pretty boy think he's fooling? That thing is nigh onto useless for, well, for anything, really. It's too big and heavy to actually use in a fight. It's got a weird shape and looks pretty fragile to use for cutting trees. I gonna go ahead and take the position it's all show and no go.
Then there's that HAT! It really wouldn't be so bad except for the fucking TUSKS! What. The. Fuck? They make Handsome Hugh here look like a feral Porky the Pig ON STEROIDS (yeah. I said it. Whatcha gonna do, go get your stupid giant hatchet?), and if somebody hit you just a glancing blow on the side of your preternaturally pretty head you'd end up Gored on your own Chapeau. The ultimate triumph of form over function. Idiot.
Finally, you got all that swell armor on your head, shoulders, arms, neck, chest and, oh yeah, don't forget your ankles, sweetheart. Hey Trixie, here's a newsflash: You're wearing a DRESS, for fucks sake. Legs, knees, junk, all exposed with NO protection. The first little fellah you come up against is gonna significantly reduce your mobility, and not in a good way. Funny thing about armor, cutie - it's kind of an all-or-nothing deal. I'm pretty sure you didn't think this one all the way through, rookie...
I'd still fuck him.
Also and as well, he has been there a long time, since they are skellingtons or he just found them and posed for the painter.
I figger, contra mikey, that the axe is such a fine and delicate tool that Obama can flense a body in SECONDS like a school of giant demented piranha.
Of course, that'd be action of some sort...
Hey Trixie, here's a newsflash: You're wearing a DRESS, for fucks sake.
Mikey, we know that your misspent youth has featured any number of altercations with people in bars who did not see eye-to-eye with you on some subject or another, but inquiring minds are wondering how many times you have got yourself into fights with Scotsmen.
In other news, I feel obliged to share:
In an interview with Mark Kermode, Timo Vuorensola confirmed that the Moon Nazi Führer would be played by Udo Kier and that Slovenian industrial music group Laibach would be recording the soundtrack.
How could that film be bad?
In the great American Melting Pot, Senor Smut, it tends to be excedingly difficult to identify the ancestry of various white guys. I can tell Thais from Japanese from Chinese from Vietnamese, but those who's family histories lead back to Northern or even Central Europe kind of fall into the same bucket. The typical experience is that regional accents no longer reflect ancestral origins as much as that portion of America one attended grammar school.
That said, to the extent that Scotsman = Redhead, they fall into two categories. The utterly solid, impervious to pain wielder of brutality that is best avoided in the case of disagreement (I'll take those four doods at the pinball machine, YOU get that redhead at the bar) or they are complete wimps who spend the better part of an altercation asking for special dispensation while they work their way toward the nearest exit.
So, yeah, probably.
I think the Scottish Regiment guys only wear kilts on formal occasions, and the rest of the time they stand out in pubs only when they start comparing tattoos and breaking bottles over their own heads.
they stand out in pubs only when they start comparing tattoos and breaking bottles over their own heads
I see no reason to introduce Mrs. Kiwi and I into this thread.
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