"And he measured a thousand, and it was a torrent, which I could not pass over: for the waters were risen so as to make a deep torrent, which could not be passed over. (Ezekiel 47:5)"
We should reveref, according to my captcha.
Now if that were your share ratio, I would actually be worried.
I seem to be coming up with any old excuse to post something 400 pixels wide.
I think I can make almost any pic 400 pixels wide using the work pc.
The home pc, not so much...
One-dimensional barcodes are so 1990s.
decimal of the Beast?
"And he measured a thousand, and it was a torrent, which I could not pass over: for the waters were risen so as to make a deep torrent, which could not be passed over. (Ezekiel 47:5)"
We should reveref, according to my captcha.
Now if that were your share ratio, I would actually be worried.
I let 'em build to 2 to 1!
Must I sic my lionar on you?
Were you downloading porn?
A Sam Harris podcast?
It is intical
What's more embarrassing than porn?
I was downloading that.
What's more embarrassing than porn?
Prelutsky podcasts?
Small Wonder episodes?
Jonah Goldberg/ Ms. Squarsh-patch Defender slashfic?
Barcode porn is pretty embarrassing.
What's more embarrassing than porn?
Linux updates.
Linux updates aren't that bad, but when you start downloading Tux porn you need help.
I really think I have those all beaten.
Pshaw, SM, pee-shaw.
Poo-shaw vs. Pee-shaw.
Ultimate fighting.
Cable only.
If George Bernard Pshaw had followed up Man or Superman with something about vampires he'd still be remembered today.
Bob's your uncla!
I still think Jonah Goidberg slashfic would be more embarrassing.
Man and Superman and Zombies.
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