Here’s a question for you: Why is Rodney King famous and Kenneth Gladney unknown?Well, Bill, I gotta assume that Kenneth Gladney hasn't been the trigger for rioting that destroyed parts of a city and instead was a guy involved in a trivial dustup somewhere.
An amusing Gladney link.
In comments at Big Hollywood, seemingly from outer space:

There's a few ripe comments on this thread.
Mon, 08/10/2009 - 16:06 — Serolf Divad
You guys are being way too cynical. It's perfectly possible to appear perfectly healthy in the first few minutes after a fall, then end up in a wheelchair when a lawyer explains how much money you can make by suing the people who put you in a wheelchair.
That's funny. I was unaware of the hate-crime angle.
Yeah! And everybody's heard of that Jesus guy, what's he got on Gladney, huh?
As both events were captured on video and one went on to great notoriety while the other went on to draw derisive laughter even from those who sought to exploit it, one can only assume that the video of the event involving Mr. King was somehow more, er, compelling than the other one.
I wonder why that might be?
AJ hembower, Attorney at Rest
Blogger did not like my comment about TEMPEST-shielded teacups. Perhaps I said too much.
Incidentally, did the Big Hollywood people receive the memo from Goldberg that Hollywood moral standards are a touchstone for what the US population does and does not find acceptable, and as such, are a reliable guide for setting state policy on torture?
That memo may have gone the other way. It's hard to tell.
McG, is the "Kenneth Gladney" link yours or Whittle's? 'Cause it's not very kind to Kenny there. Unless that was Bill W.'s point, but c'mon, is he that clever?
That link's mine. Comments in it from sympathizers are amusing.
Whittle would tell you he was that clever. Just ask him.
Ahh. Further proof that white people are being oppressed by black people, for no reason, it's just the kind of plain racial hatred that you never see in white folks.
In this case that dirty racist Rodney King kept trying to destroy those nice police officers batons with his body. He had no respect that our TAX DOLLARS paid for those batons, but rather crazed with racial hatred he kept pounding the officer's batons with his head, chest and legs.
This is the sort of thing we keep trying to point out. The racism and violence of this black nationalist community we so graciously brought here from Africa all those years ago. And now one of 'em's president...
The creepiest thing about that tape was how many cops were on the scene watching. Whip scene from High Plains Drifter.
The cops were from several different agencies, too. Some of them indicated they weren't really in favor of it, but ...
When all that happened, I was in banking. One of the bank's security people, an ex-ossifer, told me that anyone leading the LAPD's Foothill Division on such a merry chase was going to have the crap beaten out of him.
If the guy hadn't been trying out his new camera, nothing would ever have come of it.
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