On August 28th of last year Sarah Palin was a largely unknown governor considered to be a rising star largely because of her willingness to take on Republicans in a way that had endeared her to Democrats. Today she is an ex-governor wrongly perceived by most of the country and virtually all of the news media as an erratic, unqualified, lightweight and ultra-partisan Republican who can’t even mange her own family.
What did she do exactly to deserve this unfortunate perception?
In comments (first one!):

Isn't Incite a brand name for herbal viagra?
Should she even be taking that stuff?
In what respect Charlie?
P.S. I'm gonna have to watch that youtube of John Ziegler getting cuffed again.
Such a d-bag!11!!!
It is beyond comprehension how anyone could come up with the idea that Palin was a gabbling nitwit, proud ignoramus, or empty-headed narcissist.
Ahhh, hell.
I don't know about YOU LOSERS.
who can’t even mange her own family.
I manged my own family, but I had help from the cats.
It belatedly occurs to me that I should not poke the borax at "manged her own family", since this it probably a mere misprint and the author meant to type "mangled".
Mango attacks are no joke.
Certainly not -- 'mangō' = "shark" in Maori.
Mangez pas votre famille, Sarah!
Le Soleil Vert, c'est de la chair humaine!
Le Soleil Vert
I think I was drinking there once when everything else had closed. They serve absinthe smoothies, right?
That's the Le Parrot Vert, Mr Trembler.
chair humaine
The comfy chair?
La chair humaine?
Always glad to oblige.
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