I have to tell you, people. I may not be black. But with all that’s going on lately, I’m starting to get an idea of how it felt to be a black man in the Jim Crow South.We assume that "lately" means "since that black guy got elected".

I await the legions of Simpson loyalists who will set me straight.
"May" not be black?
Open-mindedness is a hallmark of the Ranting Right.
In comments the developments "lately" apparently refer to him getting beaten up as a youngster.
Just once?
"May" not be black?
It is always good for a racist to hedge his bets...
Yep. When viewed in the overall sense, that is, the sense of wearing overalls, it cannot be disputed that the worst possible outcome is to wake up one morning in the second half of this foul year of our lard 2009 to find yourself a white male. I mean, not to find a white male there when you wake up, that's an entirely different issue, but to wake up a white male yourself.
Because then you just have all that advantage and opportunity and the worst slur people can come up with is honkey and you have to wear khaki dockers and polo shirts with the name of high tech companies on them and loafers! Yes, loafers, which only prove that if you're a white male you can get ahead while LOAFING.
I'm going to vermont for potskis
and you have to wear khaki dockers and polo shirts with the name of high tech companies on them and loafers
You have to admit, that is pretty bad...
I wore a polo, khakis, and loafers to a dinner party the other night.
I may not be black.
Finally, FINALLY, You got something right, NoSubNoGrav! That title sums it all up better than I ever could. NOW you're getting it!
The rest of the commentary here just reads like the usual Hate Whitey 'slavery and murder' psychobabble I've heard all my life from Lefty Harvard wack jobs like Gates and Cornel West. They're like the senior leaders in today's black Ku Klux Klan. Racial Arsonist Al Sharpton is the Grand Dragon, see?
He was all set to ignite Cambridge. I tried to stop him. Keep innocent people in my hometown from getting hurt over nothing. And I'm the bad guy here?
Look, I could still hate the British 200 years later for the Boston Massacre, but that's ancient history. The fact is, black-on-white violence is FAR more prevalent in America today. I've known it at knifepoint. And just look at Marine Park a while back and Akron, Ohio this past July 4h. Black teen racist mobs going wild on innocent whites. No black racists, LOL! ANYONE can hate! Where's THAT conversation? Hmm. Curious.
I dare you to reprint this, SubMac. Got the guts? Oh, and how does it feel to be trolled :)
Made my point. Outta here for good. BTW Blog says 84 total page views. I've gotten about 10,000 on this story since last Tuesday at DJ alone, never mind Big Hollywood, LOL! Like I said. Pathetic.
Most Sincerely, Johnny Simpson ;-)
Welcome, possibly-John-Simpson. I hope you are not prejudiced against Teh Google because we don't stand for that kinda talk around here.
I don't know about you, but I find it extremely difficult not to take seriously anyone who liberally sprinkles LOLs through their thoughtful political insights.
Because that, in and of itself, is a sign of gravitas...
Thank you, mikey, for your very supportive Hate Whitey rant.
You see libs11!! Mr. Simpson did not do any slavery nor murder so it doesn't matter and black people who don't have verrrrry important blogs should just STFU about all that old timey stuff, which is only in Liebral movies anyway.
LOLZ is all he got.
I'm interested in what "reprinting" might mean.
Well, when Johnno makes (scribbles, scratches, smears) his columnar excrescence he has to send it to the Bug Hollywood Legal team for "proof reading" or, spellchecking as we might call it. The "product" is then put through a right wing talking points blender so that the sad whining can be reprinted onto the internet by Bobobos that have been ostracized from their family troupes.
Bonobo troupes: not actually that tuneful.
I liked Bonobo better before Live Aid.
I hate whitey and I can not lie.
Here is my proof, let no one deny.
Look more carefully Libs!! I said Bobobos!!
Yikes could I have my pituitary back ZRM it's doing bad things to my brain chemicals to not have one.
I challenged his white manhood.
The rest of the commentary here just reads like the usual Hate Whitey 'slavery and murder' psychobabble
Obviously, he didn't read any of your site.
It's mostly disturbing, infantile animations and poop jokes. Commentary is three doors down, at Shakesville.
put a humorless dildo on his forehead...
He has a humorless dildo in his forehead judging by the monotonous droning coming out his mouth
I think all the traffic from JTS has been sidetracked by the "Useful Peeing Advice".
No ill-will here: let all their showers be golden.
He has a humorless dildo in his forehead
We are merely at the dawning of the age of prosthetic frontal lobes.
The fact is, black-on-white violence is FAR more prevalent in America today.
This is of course absolutely true. Unless you are unarmed. And Handcuffed. And prostrate on the ground. "And black. But that, of course was a whole 8 months ago. So forgive and forget I say.
Anyway, what does Gates have to be so nervous about? He wasn't on the ground...
Wow, what a baby. At this rate, he's going to work himself up to a whole post just on you.
One can hope at least.
I dread it because that would be the equivalent of being a black man under Jim Crow.
As it is when I go to the store and the slurpee machine is broken.
Broken slurpee machines are the grandfather clause of liberal fascism.
I have conducted a brief review of the content of this blog since the name change and I can clearly see why Mr. Simpson has felt that it represents a serious challenge to his own work.
It is, by any scientific measure, twelve and a half times more serious, and sixteen times more accurate. Poor fellow.
Plus, it has tabill
The fuckin' Slurpee machine is broken??!!1?
This is worser than all that slavery and such!!1
Time to take out the trash, my friends.(After I get new trousers and have a nap.)
Bobobos that have been ostracized from their family troupes
I don't know from Bobobos, but Bonobos get ostracized for not putting out. Which reminds me:John T., habitual self-victimization will make you go blind.
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