Well, here's an album I certainly did not expect to like so much.You guessed it: it's a review of another Iron Bonehead production, this time a hot new platter from Bestial Holocaust called Into the Goat Vulva.

Well, here's an album I certainly did not expect to like so much.You guessed it: it's a review of another Iron Bonehead production, this time a hot new platter from Bestial Holocaust called Into the Goat Vulva.
Yes Timmy.
What does daddy do?
Your daddy's a musician, son.
Wow. Like Bruce Springsteen?
Kind of. He's in a band - he plays the bass and sings sometimes.
Cool! A band like Nickelback?
Yes, sort of. Your father is in a band called Bestial Holocaust.
Oh. Can I go outside to play now?
It's no Art Garfunkel, for sure.
It is Art Goatfuckle, though.
I like their earlier work better, like "Demon-seed for my Gramma" and "Goatse of the Un-Nameable"
zrm is kidding; their best songs are in Bolivian.
Give me Magma spin-off bands any day.
Bestial Holocaust's Christmas album was their best work. The duet featuring Pat Boone as a guest singer was beautiful.
"Demon-seed for my Gramma"
Ha ha silly ZRM can't spell 'Gramarye'.
Amateur hour.
Here's how you do it:
"This tasteless cover is a good indication of the lack of musical invention within. The musical growth of this band cannot even be charted. They are treading water in a sea of retarded sexuality and bad poetry.
Bestial Holocaust's Christmas album was their best work. The duet featuring Pat Boone as a guest singer was beautiful.
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