Drink blue pus?
Clink brew thus?
Dink-chew Gus?
Stink poo plus?
Think you suss?
Nonetheless, I love that UndocuBus rhymes with incubus, given what illegal immigration is doing to our country.Oh fuck off.

An incubus!"
"He raises such a stink," you fuss
"It forces one to think, 'Jealous!
If instead a succubus
were riding his l'il dinky-bus
He would be in the pink, I trust!'"
You recognize a fink and plus
You give the jerk a link, I cuss!
I believe we now require the verse tag.
Can it be a haiku?
I do not know.
The succubus
Drove the bus
Over the incubus
The End
Reince Priebus?
Riebus Keniebus?
Ah ha, hush that fuss
Everybody move to the back of the bus
Unsure if it'll post over there, but here was my entry:
Dropping, falling...
...diving towards...
Two lovers lost.
(stolen, of course, from Mr. Zero.)
That one was something to see. "We lack the will." Would there have been a lack of will in the Stone Age? NO.
They indeed had real STONES in the Stone Age.
Such solecisms as "flaunting the law" are the perfect symbol of illiteracy.
Flaunting the law!
Flaunting the law!
I love your trolling.
I love that UndocuBus rhymes with incubus, given what illegal immigration is doing to our country.
Illegal immigration is sexing up the ladeez whilst we sleep? AWESOME.
An incubus!"
"He raises such a stink," you fuss
"It forces one to think, 'Jealous!
If instead a succubus
were riding his l'il dinky-bus
He would be in the pink, I trust!'"
You recognize a fink and plus
You give the jerk a link, I cuss!
That is excellent.
That was ridonculous.
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