Jesus Christ this is so juvenile but his voice is built to sample. The accent is alien enough that you listen a little harder to figure out what he's saying but it's clear enough that it's hard to mistake what the meaning is.* He hits the stressed syllables pretty hard and the halting preacher style leaves a generous amount of space between words. When you get something to chop up his words for you - because you'd never waste that time on your own - the divisions are pretty clean and you get an instant virtual preacher instrument.

*Okay, this is a moderate lie. "God's Butt Thingie" is actually a kind of lispy "God's Butt Singing" - the latter being pretty funny but less of a silly dance line - so consider yourself hoodwinked by the Power of the Headline.
The only juvenile part is looping it. Sheesh.
Have you met the Meat Beetles? Of course they don't have the moving visual flair you bring.
WV suggests: unpity
So, none.
They seem willing to do much more work than I am, so good for them. Rule #1 in the McGravitas work ethic is give up before it gets too hard.
Gee whiz, that is just deafening bass. No more headphones for a while I think.
Also #s 2 & 3 over here. However, we have a doctor's excuse.
'Though it's really more of a diagnosis than an excuse.
Living in the bathroom? I've got 3 words for you:
The "Humpty" in the filename is an exploitable bit of verbiage that I haven't gotten around to yet. I was envisioning more of a Larry Craig thing.
Oh. Well, that's funnier than PEWP.
Excuse me, but as the legal representative of People Eating With Philistines, I must demand that you cease and desist immediately...
Rule #1 in the McGravitas work ethic is give up before it gets too hard.
Something we should all aspire to...
"consider yourself hoodwinked by the Power of the Headline."
I feel betrayed and I shan't be back.
Mikey, no need to bring lawyers into this. I am a major PEWP-supporter.
Seems to me that I'd have to violate rule #1 quite vigorously before I could have a swarm of Joe-Klein flies buzzing around my blog.
I feel betrayed and I shan't be back.
I feel so betrayed that I was never here in the first place. know, sometimes it gets too hard before you have a chance to give up... I say give up now!
Please sample this over God Butt Thingie.
I would enjoy doing so, but which words with which music or what?
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