Now I don't much think the implied death-threat of the crosshairs registers on the scale of smart or wise, but you know, saying you’re going to tear up the contracts of thousands of people and back that with military force is what a dictator does. It’s part of the job description.
Kinda makes one suspect that the signs were made by ratfuckers, no?
Oh, and Recall Scott Walker.
Kinda makes one suspect that the signs were made by ratfuckers, no?
I dunno, I'd be pretty fucking pissed at someone who wanted to take away rights and benefits. I have a daughter I'll probably be helping out well after retirement and a pension is pretty meaningful in that reality.
Dumb sign, but I sure wouldn't be any less furious than the person who could sincerely make such a thing.
Kinda makes one suspect that the signs were made by ratfuckers, no?
Well, yeah...except that whenever the dozens of completely offensive signs show up at teatard rallies, that's always the first excuse THEY go to.
I don't think for a second this dumbass actually wants to take out Scott Walker. I just get really frustrated when people on our side give the other side a talking point. Not to mention the fact that the media counts on being able to make the "both sides doit" argument even though that is demonstrably untrue.
What happened to Thunder's blog?
I just asked him that on my blog.
OK, apparently I am outvoted on the ratfuckery. But given the rest of the actions surrounding Walker's Imperial actions, I still wouldn't doubt it.
However, I went you all one better and emailed thundra DIRECTLY!! cuz zombizzles gots access, yanno.
I have the same access, yo. I mean, I had to have it so I could try to poach free stock from him.
What happened to Thunder's blog?
He may be having N__B's problem: Google's algorithms think they see spam and they just blank it. You can ask for it back, but it's not really customer friendly or anything.
I just got it back from the mofos. I don't have any explanation other than an automated
"We've detected unusual activity on your account. To immediately restore access to your account, type your phone number below."
I have the same access, yo. I mean, I had to have it so I could try to poach free stock from him.
"We've detected unusual activity on your account. To immediately restore access to your account, type your phone number below."
You need to say "fuck" more often.
I had to rescue one of Thunder's comments from the Riddled spam file. It was smokin' hot and had squirrel marks all over it
Intemperate, impassioned and idiotic signs notwithstanding, yonder SubGun makes a very valid point.
To legislate away basic human democratic liberties like collective bargaining is to impose draconian "Emergency Legislation", just as they have in many autocratically governed nations as a cover for martial law in support of single-party rule.
If he can do something like this by virtue of his political majority, he is a very small step away from dissolving the legislature altogether and ruling Wisconsin by fiat.
It is the act of a despot, so to compare him to other despots who may be responsible for worse human rights abuses is still perfectly fair and accurate - perhaps, given time, he will get around to suppressing dissent, shutting down newspapers, holding political prisoners and extra-judicial killings. He's just a beginner, after all...
Intemperate Language? Heaven Forfend!
Heh. Michelle Malkin was pissed because there were a couple of signs comparing Walker to Hitler.
I think the crosshairs sign is stupid, and will be trotted out ad nauseam, but the Mubarak sign is spot on.
I think a Photoshop of Walker in a Moammar Qaddafi outfit would be a good image.
FTR, I've got no beef with the Mubarak sign.
Weird shit because probably 6 weeks ago the Righties would have claimed Mubarak as BFF. And now their knickers get inna twist because a sign compares the Oberleutnant Walker to him.
There's a lot of confusion over what the right's message should be on that. The "whatever those guys don't like" rule gets confusing when you have the Muslim Brotherhood on one side and a dictator on the other.
The "whatever those guys don't like" rule gets confusing when you have the Muslim Brotherhood on one side and a dictator on the other.
And what's worse, they're ALL the same dusky brown shade, making it really hard to root for anyone but whoever's expending the most ordinance.
Which, by the way, is the primary reason they're willing to overlook the Israelis overwhelming Jewishness
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