Thank God civility is returning to literature! Thanks to some faceless editor at New South Books and alleged Twain scholar Dr. Alan Gribben, a new sanitized versions of “Huckleberry Finn” will be published. The word so offensive that it can’t even be printed here has been removed. All is now safe.That's right, Jeffrey Jena is outraged about the censorship of a book Big Hollywood does not allow him to quote.
The comments are, as always, fabulous:

No wonder the Confederate Army won.
I see you rewrote the tern, "No wonder the Confederate Army Juan."
No justice, no peas, Mister!
I'm assuming "rewrite the tern" is a euphemism for some unspeakable Canadian thing they do with sea birds.
p.s.About CSA patriot: How can people so stupid manage to turn a computer on?
I'm so glad the heartbreak of facelessness doesn't keep people out of rewarding, useful work like editoring.
I thought heartlessness was the requirement.
heartbreak of facelessness
Wrong river, dumbass.
In the context of racism, "Niger" is defs not just a river in Africa.
Typical liberal blogger media. Making wingnuts look bad by quoting their exact words. *shakes head*
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