My own researches have shown that Michelangelo was indeed consumed by anatomy, enough so to insert clever references to his scholarship into his work at the Sistine Chapel under (or over) the very eyes of the religious authorities. Look closely here:

Did you see it? Fear of exposure of his detailed anatomical knowledge - and let's face it - the ruthless censorship of the time led the great Michelangelo to conceal in his masterpiece this unusually detailed portrait of a part of human anatomy that was until then shrouded in mystery:
[]) is not visible to this viewer's devil-box.
That's odd. Works here. Fix momentarily.
I was late to the party and only encountered the Brain-Anatomy theory through Bioephemera.
is not visible to this viewer's devil-box.
Works for me. We have better devils.
If Bouffant filled his computer full of love things would be different.
This whole theory -- that religious suppression of knowledge forced Michelangelo to hide his anatomical research and express his knowledge only in veiled form -- is certainly supported by the absence of any dissection diagrams by Leonardo.
No phallic symbolism here!
Go on. Retouch this painting./ You know you want to.
At the time, cadaver dissections were viewed with ambivalence by the population and the Vatican.
Ambivalence, skeptics! AMBIVALENCE! Try and conquer THAT.
Go on. Retouch this painting. You know you want to.
I think it's obvious that the modern age has provided me with precisely the tools required to improve this one.
Sorry I mentioned it.
There is not enough room for ♥ ("L-U-V") in the currently functioning devil-box, as it is crammed w/ particulates & flakes of tobacco, & several gigs of POOP! footage.
That's not the Flying Spaghetti Monster!
No phallic symbolism here!
Those cherubs don't look anything like phalluses.
And lo, the Lord did appear, and placed before me his throbbing, twitching, turgid member, it's unblinking eye focused on my every move.
Peter, 6:9
No phallic symbolism here!
The rock formations in the background are the Dickomites.
Adam: Look I know that you're the Ruler of the Universe and everything, and I don't want to seem ungrateful but no way am I wearing that, eeeew.
Adam: are you coming onto me or just coming on me?
If you look closely, he also gave him boobs!
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