FUCK YOU BING. Er, wait, what was that first one again?

The thought came from this thread, which starts off considering just how crazy it seems to oldsters to have instant access to useful information and then moved on to how terrible it might be that we have forgotten to like drinking piña coladas and gettin' caught in the rain and instead masturbate and LOL.
Later on there's a BIG COMPANIES CONTROL THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION argument, which is fine, but one person seemed to think that Google was a portal to all the world's information, which is a misunderstanding, I think, of the creative and social aspects of the internet as opposed to its archiving side. The folks I follow around the internet I follow because they did something I liked, not because of Google hits, and there was the suggestion that an absence of a listing on Google would put me at some sort of disadvantage. It seems pretty obvious to me that if I get traffic Google's got nothing to do with it. But I could be wrong.
Are there people that come to this site via a search for rotating eyebrows or zorbing grannies? If so, WELCOME.
"there's your develop, baby. Eat it"
Erotilit does not get much better.
Bing blowz!
Nicely done.
I'm winning my war with Pinko P., by the way.
P.S. Yes, you see no images. That's how my unmodern Firefox rolls these days. I can see images with unmodern I.E., but I can't do screengrabs with it.
I recommend the marquee tag to the easily amused.
Do "malebeasts" (with quotes) and see results.
Most amusing.
"Wives that are spanked?" Man, Italians is the craziest peoples!
I see the O.C. thread has gotten even better since I last dropped in (and tuned out) there.
"Two flashing lights on the train and one flashing chimney".
Odd. That was PRECISELY the explanation I gave the cops when they asked why I had no trousers. They seemed...skeptical...
"began to wild the stock of my dress" ?
someone is doing it wrong.
here's the field - I don't do eyebrows
Ckc's field seems lonely and unZorbed.
Subby is now #1 !!! in the Zorbing-grannies google contest.
...perhaps we need an AntiGoogle, which indexes the web based on failure to attract interest (I'd go there!)
Well, there's Google Scholar already...
Who are you using to track your 'popular search terms' results?
But who is second in the Zorbs through History search???
"I'm #2 and trying harder!"
You were #1 when I clicked.
Rather horrifically, a blog post I wrote a few years ago entitled "50 ways to get away with murder" comes up as like the fifteenth hit on a google search for "ways to get away with murder" so every drunk husband and battered wife and hitman wannabe shows up at that post, which is an impassioned rant against police brutality.
Fucking creeps me out....
So then, is your wife spanking google ranking next on the agenda?
Oh yes, um, Google ranking. Yes indeed.
HAHAHA Wangchuck stole top spot for zorbing grannies with a GOOGLE BOMB!!!
Band name of the week: "Grunty Malebeasts."
It's still pretty funny.
So who's "staircasetwit"?
And who are his grannies?
I get a lot of hits from "gay obession." (It was a Rod Dreher thing.) Poor guys, looking to satisfy their gay obsession and getting girl snark instead.
Most of them are from the middle east, btw.
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