Monday, February 22, 2010
The Freedom to Tinker
One of the things about having a lot of options is that you never actually get anything done, you just keep adjusting it, and then you forget what you were doing in the first place. The audio track below is an example of that, and the picture below demonstrates irrefutably that more controls are cooler.

Deaf Composers
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One of the things about having a lot of options is that you never actually get anything done, you just keep adjusting it, and then you forget what you were doing in the first place.
Thanks, now I can skip the effort of an autobiography.
You have options?
Oh look.
Somebody got a picture of the flush management module on my toilet.
If you get the settings right, it NEVER overflows...
Uh yeah, it gets Radio Patagonia.
For that many controls, I would expect to be Radio Patagonia.
Does it have a control that triggers a countdown in a robotic yet sexy contralto? "Warning... Self-destruct Sequence Initiated... Core Ignition in 30... 29..." I've always wanted one of those around the house.
But not in the toilet.
When I built my first shortwave radio, a superhet unit based on a the ARRL schematic (dood, we breadborded, but there was no such fucking thing as semiconductors), I was truly excited to tune it up and on the VERY FIRST NIGHT get a solid transmission from Quito, Ecuador. The fact that it was full-on jesus bashing god-loving sing-and-spend crap doesn't matter one bit.
I learned to code, and got my HAM license and moved on. But that night, with that english-language religious broadcaster out of Quito (and WWV out of Fort Collins, CO) are magical moments that have WAY less to do with what they said and more to do with HEARING them.
You children of the intert00bz and the cell phone will never grasp this...
Which children of the intertoobz? I had me a Radio Shack 60-in-1 electronics set with the spring contacts and little wires.
Lemme tell you, it beat the hell outta the 40-in-1 kit.
For that many controls, I would expect to be Radio Patagonia.
I don't think Radio Patagonia has that many controls.
I had me a Radio Shack 60-in-1 electronics set with the spring contacts and little wires.
That would probably land you on a "watch list" these days
you never actually get anything done, you just keep adjusting it, and then you forget what you were doing in the first place.
Also known as "Leonardo Syndrome".
Options are theft of time.
mikey reminds me of a friend of mine. my friend's parents, being liberal sorts, thought they would severely restrict his TV watching.
So he went to the library and taught hisself to make bombs. Blew up the garage roof next to his bedroom window, which was his test platform.
Kinda confirms the "TV as tranquilizer" idea, doesn't it?
You got techno in my deth metal!
You got death metal in my techno!
I thought the Rush and Pantera samples were really funny, and it's baffling that it went anywhere else except that it COULD. This is a problem.
The quacking noises near the end are a speech from Grease chopped up, but really, nobody needs to make it that far.
....I did.
It's a bit like a drive that goes on and on and when one arrives you think "WTF did we come here for?"
Exactly. Kraftwerk are brilliant because they managed to focus for, like, twenty minutes sometimes.
Dammit. I clicked over here from my feed reader because I expected to be able to ACTUALLY FIDDLE WITH THOSE CONTROLS.
Time for another blogger ethics panel, I'd say.
Fire up the BitTorrent and it's yours!
It can be embarrassing if all your plugins have a (k) in their name, though.
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