The Wikipedia article's worth reading.
I should also mention that this is an ad from mid-seventies Marvel comics. If there's anything in this world that's responsible, it's teaching kids who like superheroes to master The World's DEADLIEST FIGHTING SECRETS.
I challenge the Poontangler to a DEATH MATCH!
The John Keehan Historical Society site has some good stuff. He could kill a bull with one blow!
Plus, documentary.
Looks like the Poontangler didn't make it past El Homo Loco.
How come, when they went kinetic on that other dojo in 1970 it was one of the deadliest man alive's allies that was killed?
Seems odd.
Seems to me that for the title of "Deadliest Man Alive" a barehand fighter is going to have a hard time competing with a B-52 driver. Major Kong has bagged up WAY more doods than the count ever even met...
There's a lotta fine print in that "Deadliest Man Alive" title.
doesn't stand a chance against my Mad Zombie Monkey-Fu style.
He could kill a bull with one blow!
The bull wasn't dead. Merely lying back with eyes closed, smoking a cigarette.
Whichever way you slice it, BEAT THAT, KAUS!
How come, when they went kinetic on that other dojo in 1970 it was one of the deadliest man alive's allies that was killed?
Jim was tired of the fakes and amateurs. He signed up to learn from the deadliest man alive... And now he's dead!
Some would call him an unfortunate. We just call him another satisfied customer.
"Keehan also worked as a hairdresser".
Really, if you fighting the DEADLIEST MAN ALIVE and His Pal, I think you'd maybe wanna attack His Pal.
Picture of Count Dante cries out for a caption.
Really, if you fighting the DEADLIEST MAN ALIVE and His Pal, I think you'd maybe wanna attack His Pal.
This makes a certain sense, my Subterranean friend, but I can't help but be surprised that the Deadliest Man Alive would befriend the Easiest Man to Kill. Although, as they say, opposites attract.
Perhaps he had great hair...
Really, if you fighting the DEADLIEST MAN ALIVE and His Pal, I think you'd maybe wanna attack His Pal.
Leaving you open to attacks by THE DEADLIEST MAN ALIVE?
I see a flaw in your strategy. Better to go with Mad Monkey Kung Fu.
The strategy is, in fact, hopelessly dependent upon the Deadliest Man in the World being preoccupied with life-taking and widow-making while you somewhat listlessly and disinterestedly take the life of his pal.
If the dood's a multitasker, you're probably hosed....
Oh look! Capcha wants to play horbingo!
B Nine!
The trick is to be on the other side of His Pal. Maybe the DEADLIEST MAN ALIVE will accidentally brush His Pal with a stray DEADLY PINKIE and do your work for you!
And then you run.
Mr McGravitas proposes the use of HUMAN SHIELDS. Typical.
I propose the use of SHIELDS AND YARNELL.
That is prohibited as a War Crime, Substance.
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