Miss University beat out Misses Originality, Friendship, Narhoz.ru, People's Choice, Bikini, Creativity, Media, Sport, Extravagance and one Vice-Miss University.
Western stick-in-the-mud naysayers would do well to note the inclusiveness of the contest, which is open to horrible monsters. Zombies not yet in evidence.
Inflammatory character, bright appearance and plasticity of Anastasia Galician helped her achieve the title of "Miss Extravagance.
Thank you Google translate.
The lady with 8 arms is not so pretty. Or is that the father and father warding off unsuitable gentlemen callers?
And when you get the plastic off, OH BOY!
she better give those arms back to the zombies she stole them from.
or it'll be hordi, that's for sure .
If Hinderaker handicapped this one, I must've missed it.
The hair-do, suit & esp. the shoes say a lot about the man. (Or callow youth, in this case.)
Having viewed all 81 shots, I can assure you all that we are faaaar ahead of the Commies in beauty pageant technology.
Don't take the plastic off, she'll lose all her value!
I hear that Miss Dryland Irrigation and Effluent Treatment is a close race, this year
The Miss Aral Sea contestants are getting smaller and smaller.
The lady with 8 arms is not so pretty.
Those spiders are capable of great feats of disguise while they inveigle themselves into the trust of their victims.
Miss Dryland Irrigation and Effluent Treatment
There is no record of Sarah Palin attending this event so I suspect it to be spurious.
There is no record of Sarah Palin attending this event so I suspect it to be spurious.
She watched it from her back porch.
The lady with 8 arms is not so pretty.
Those spiders are capable of great feats of disguise while they inveigle themselves into the trust of their victims.
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