Zenyatta, who's 14 for 14 in her career, was paraded on the track after the seventh race and brought into the winner's circle.Hmm...a solution to California's governance problems presents itself.
"She made impossible possible," Ann Moss said of Zenyatta, who's headed for Kentucky and broodmare duties.

Executing wealthy senators and seizing their estates for the State is certainly one approach to closing the budget deficit.
Furthermore, if the US were to switch to Caligula's foreign policy of "Invading beaches and bringing back shells as booty from Neptune", then the rest of the world would feel substantially more secure.
Going to battle with the ocean would keep military spending at home where it belongs.
Incredibly witty observation from Smut Clyde deleted to allow a later-arriving comment from SM to appear to have precedence
Stroke me!
Talk about a link that needs a pop-up tool tip.
Zenyatta, who's headed for Kentucky and broodmare duties.
Wait until her foalhood indiscretions come out in the open, and someone uploads the self-made films to Youtube, and the pageant organisers strip her of her title.
WV is a nonce-word. Honestly; it's "nonce".
Another equine option the Governor may wish to consider: President Mariano Melgarejo of Bolivia supposedly traded a big chunk of Bolivian territory to Brazil for a horse. Perhaps Schwarzenegger can find a chief executive in a neighboring state or nation willing to swap.
The Golden State: Embarrassing itself in gubernatorial contests since 1966.
The only Neptune these United Snakes are getting booty from is the one between Uranus & Pluto.
Typed in hydef.
Plus which: Billy Squier is referenced at (2:56).
I remember that Angry Samoans singer being really short. Looked like his guitar was enormous.
"There's Precedent"
...here's another song about it.
Randy looks weirder doing that kind of thing now than when he was young.
...that's why I love his stuff
I don't think I've had a record of his since Born Again, which made me worried because of all the LA session guys.
Me(n)tal Mike: Napoleon of Cretin Music.
California needs stable government!!
Well, at least our dancing is safe in California. We haven't yet had an initiative to ban minuets. Why do the Swiss hate Mozart?
Never mind.
California needs stable government!!
Good lord, it was just waiting there.
it was just waiting there.
I know, pale and weak, shining in the sun.
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