There is no voter fraud. The conclusion does not follow from the evidence. It is entirely possible that there is lots of voter fraud and that the DOJ did not prosecute much of it from 2002–05. There are lots of things the DOJ is not very good at. For instance, the DOJ does not bring a lot of convictions for terrorism crimes; does that mean there is no terrorism and no terrorism threat? Or does it mean that the government is more focused on disrupting terrorism plots than on getting convictions? Or does it mean that terror suspects are getting convicted of lots of non-terrorism crimes instead?Ha ha, the fact is, Kevin D. Williamson is not a stupid asshole because he has an example. Let us not doubt the gravity of the problem:

As the Zone 5 Commissioner for Daytona Beach is responsible for making The Troops Nuke Terrorists With Tax Policy I am glad someone is on the case.
"For instance, the DOJ does not bring a lot of convictions for terrorism crimes; does that mean there is no terrorism and no terrorism threat? "
Um, yes? I think "yes" is the answer.
Is he related to Saddam's old buddy?
Listen, if the price of gasoline is not terrorism I don't know what is.
Also people talking on cell phones in the theatre.
For instance, the DOJ does not bring a lot of convictions for alien abductions; does that mean there are no aliens and no probes stuck up my bottom?
Thank you for the opportunity to contemplate what might be up your bum.
Just because we do not know of the Pentagon's Orb Weaponization Plan does not mean there is no plan...
They're all in on it together.
Soylent Orbs is people!
Allow me:
Also people talking ... in the theatre. Period.
When you spell "theâtre" Froggy-style does spell-check tell you it's wrong? Or do you get a Canadian pass?
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