The only name in the media today, for better or for worse, is Sarah Palin. For better because she has single-handedly solved John McCain’s two biggest problems, his base, and his base.Well-said my friend! He adds an update:
In the end, I suspect that the Sarah they have most to fear is not Vice President Sarah or even Governor Sarah at all. It is Citizen Sarah’s first day on the clock, and her star seems as bright to me as ever it did last September.Any stars seen were likely headlights.

Emo Boreing haz sadz. Hiz star iz gorn. Butt she will be bak and briter than evah!~
Heard about them new halimpeo peppers!taste like ham, smell like ham but boy! they ain't ham
In my own defense, mi spelenigs R mooch bettar when I'm not thinking about Jennifer Granholm. Rawr.
Yeesh that screenshot's ugly. But I love those.
Maybe you should have added some gratuitous dancing grannies, wingstr...
I'm trying to figure out some new granny-related mischief, but it's hot hot hot.
I searched the internet for "hot granny-related mischief" and ended up here.
What is this crap? No pictures of Sarah Palin in a bikini or anything.
[Light bulb turns on]
I fear the House will soon have more Substance.
Horrible, horrible Substance.
Honey! Pick up some more brain bleach!!
Honey! Pick up some more brain bleach!!
Rinse well before eating.
Hot Granny related mischief is my new motto
We have sound intel that the Granny-Related Program Activities are located in the House of Substance, and to the north, east, south and west.
We don't want the smoking doob to be grannies in fishnets...
We DO want geysi
You know, I predict that the ol' dwelling is going to be so blazing hot that I will do fuck-all with silly computing games tonight.
As a veteran of too-hot-to-fuckall, let me just offer three suggestions.
1. Tequila
2. Cold water
4. Spritzer bottle.
If you think that 2 and 3 are redundant, you're wrong. They overlap, but in the venn diagram of itstoofuckinghot, they each serve their own need...
Don't get pructry
my instructions are missing a page, mikey.
but if step three is squeezins from a bat's adrenal gland, I'm covered....
7. Wear women's underwear
I hope I've cleared up any ambiguity...
Take a cold shower while wearing a slip. Then just keep the slip on 'till it dries/heats up.
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